I have a basketball league with over 100 teams, and I'm trying to organize the look and feel of the schedule, standings, and gym locations for the coaches, players, and parents to view on my website.

I'm wondering how I could apply something like the code I posetd below, but with true functionality. If I could link that to an online spreadsheet, that would be ideal. I don't know any php or how to even begin, but I'm willing to learn. Could I use my own personal PC as a server to achieve that? Are there any online servers I can purchase a small sliver of? Could I find someone on DaniWeb to build it for me? Could I do it all with javascript (even if it's cumbersome, I'm okay with that)?

I'm pretty sure this is a PHP thing, but again I have no clue. I was thinking about buying the Mac Mini for $1,000 that acts like a server... but again I'd need to know how to start after that. Do I need to download Apache? If you can tell me what I need to do, what I need to learn, a link I need to visit, a code I need to copy, or who I need to talk to, that would be much appreciated. Thanks guys!

<script type="text/javascript">
function setOptions(chosen, selbox) {

selbox.options.length = 0;
if (chosen == " ") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Please select one of the options above first',' ');
setTimeout(setOptions(' ',document.myform.optthree),5);
if (chosen == "1") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Elementary','11');
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('High School','12');
if (chosen == "2") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Elementary','21');
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('High School','22');
if (chosen == "3") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Elementary','31');
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('High School','32');
if (chosen == "11") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Oakland Believers','111');
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Vegas Stars','112');
if (chosen == "12") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('ACS Bulldogs','121');
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Kobe's Dominion','122');
if (chosen == "21") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Skydubb','211');
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Sky Dunk','212');
if (chosen == "22") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('LA Wolves','221');
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('NY Bucks','222');
if (chosen == "31") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Kings of Queens','311');
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Miama Suns','312');
if (chosen == "32") {
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Flying Dogs','321');
  selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Cali Winners','322');

<table width=800 border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr><td valign="top">

<div align="left"><font style="background-color:black; color:white; padding:3px 15px 3px 15px;">Filters</font><br><br>
<form name="myform">
<select name="optone" size="1"
<option value=" " selected="selected">- Gender -</option>
<option value="1">Boys</option>
<option value="2">Girls</option>
<option value="3">Third Choice</option>
</select><br> <br>
<select name="opttwo" size="1"
<option value=" " selected="selected">- Grade Level -</option>
</select><br> <br>
<select name="optthree" size="1">
<option value=" " selected="selected">- Team Name -</option>

</td><td valign="top" width=30%>
<div align="left"><font style="background-color:black; color:white; padding:3px 15px 3px 15px;">Standings</font><br><br>Team Name | Wins | Losses | %<br><br>
populated when any level is filtered

</td><td valign="top" width=50%>
<div align="left"><font style="background-color:black; color:white; padding:3px 15px 3px 15px;">Team Schedule</font><br><br>Teame Name<br>mm/dd/yy | time | versus opponent | gym location<br><br>
populated when an individual team is filtered

</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 valign="top" height=300>
<div align="left"><font style="background-color:black; color:white; padding:3px 15px 3px 15px;">Schedule</font><br><br>mm/dd/yy | time | gym location | Team 1 | Score 1 | Team 2 | Score 2<br><br>
populated at start, and filtered automatically as filters are chosen

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Well, before you go all stratospheric, all you need is a cheap host that offers php/MySQL - nothing much more. Also a cheap PC for keeping your local copy - yes download a stack like XAMPP.

If you get a few DB tables set up properly, the code pretty much takes care of itself with regard to views. Applying Ajax will allow interactive views. JS should then be a minimum, especially if you use something like jQuery.

Could I use my own personal PC as a server to achieve that?

Yes. Possible, but not recommended IMO.

Are there any online servers I can purchase a small sliver of?

Yes, any web host provides that, and there are even free ones to get you started.

Could I find someone on DaniWeb to build it for me?

Maybe. You can try posting in Business Exchange - Jobs and Resumes.

Could I do it all with javascript (even if it's cumbersome, I'm okay with that)?

Yes, also not recommended IMO. Using a database to store your information would be a better choice.

Thank you so much for the answers. I'm going to look into learning all that stuff, and use various links and embedded iframes from a google drive database in the meantime. I appreciate your help a great deal. Cheers. If there's anything anyone else would like to add, I'm all ears.

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Have a look at pitchero.com for ideas.

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