23 Topics

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Member Avatar for Gloak

I have an application that has core PHP for the signin, registration, dashboard. It has a front end and backend (dashboard). Simple stuff. I need to implement a Scheduling system and [EasyAppointments](https://easyappointments.org/) (EA) has 90% of the stuff I need. EA uses codeigniter and requires login. It has it own …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ayeswarya

[CODE]struct PCB* handleProcessArrival_PP(struct PCB *processhead,struct PCB *processtail,struct PCB *currProcess,struct PCB *newProcess,int currTime){ if(currProcess==NULL){ newProcess->executionStartTime = currTime; newProcess->executionEndTime = currTime+newProcess->totalBurstTime; newProcess->remainingBurstTime = newProcess->totalBurstTime; if(newProcess->processID==processhead->processID){ processhead= newProcess->next; printf("processhead in case 1 %d \n",processhead->processID); } currProcess=newProcess; printf("***current process = new process%d \n",currProcess->processID); contents(processhead); return currProcess; //return processhead; } if (currProcess->processID !=0){ contents(processhead); if(currProcess->processPriority>newProcess->processPriority){//new …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jKidz

Hi All, I am looking for a software that can be used for scheduling (Diary). But it must be a centralized one because 3 users wants to use it. Please help me to find a suitable software. Thank You all

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Kyle777w

Hello, I've got a question about a project in my operating systems class. The task was to create a program that lets the user choose a variety of cpu scheduling algorithms and simulates them with random data or data from a file. I've already done it for first come first …

Member Avatar for chester1908

Hello everyone. I have limited experience at programming,have been using c and java for a few years. However i am a long time windows user. I recently got a serious assignment for university. I picked programming topic assuming it would be something i would know something about, however the topic …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

how to develop a gannt chart like this , i mean same like this, having time slices in bottom, like in the attached image. ![gant_chart__cut](/attachments/small/3/gant_chart__cut.png "align-left")

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for jonsan32

I have a basketball league with over 100 teams, and I'm trying to organize the look and feel of the schedule, standings, and gym locations for the coaches, players, and parents to view on my website. I'm wondering how I could apply something like the code I posetd below, but …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sumi1234

I have an assignment question . We need to simulate FCFS scheduling algorithm using C on linux OS. This is what I need to do Write a program to simulate **FCFS scheduling algorithm** using pipes for inter process communication. 1. Let the parent program be the scheduler. 2. It takes …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for picogenkaku

Good day to everyone. I have this trouble of stopping the timer at a specific time, say I have to stop the timer at 1:30. When I try to run it, it doesn't stop. Please help. Here's my C++ code. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; void wait …

Member Avatar for picogenkaku
Member Avatar for amf101

Guys, I need again your help. I have to generate automatically a unique schedule for each subjects with only one click of a button. I'm having trouble with it. Please suggest....here's my codes: [CODE]Do Until conflict = False For y As Integer = 0 To DataGridClass.RowCount - 1 If txtbxClassID.Text …

Member Avatar for amf101
Member Avatar for swissknife007

[CODE] #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream.h> struct pro { int no; int btime; int atime; int stime; int etime; int wtime; int ttime; int rtime; }proc[100],junk; void sort(int n) { pro temp; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) for(int j=0;j<n;j++) { if(proc[j].atime>proc[j+1].atime) { temp=proc[j]; proc[j]=proc[j+1]; proc[j+1]=temp; } } } pro min(int n,int & t) { …

Member Avatar for swissknife007
Member Avatar for amf101

hi, am doing my thesis entitled Automatic Exam Scheduling System. this works when button "GENERATE" is click. that would initialize the automatic assigning of proctors and rooms to classid.....plz help...i can't filter the conflicts of proctors and rooms since it is automated...early tnx...ur response will be greatly appreciated..tnx so much:)

Member Avatar for amf101
Member Avatar for aphide

Every day on his way home, little Billy passes by his great aunt Clara Mitchum's house. Generally he stops in for a chat with his aunt and sometimes he asks for some lollies. When he does, she generally gives him some, but then adds now don't be asking for any …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for katisss

I have to find a cost optimal solution for staying on campsites. It is kind of weigthed interval scheduling with a given number of intervals (nights). I wonder how to tackle it, dynamic programmic will work for cost optimizatation gernerally but how to build in the restriction on the number …

Member Avatar for katisss
Member Avatar for hackit

hey guys thanx for opening this. I want to see how the scheduling is done in my CPU. can i see it practically.

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for keval_hack

Hi Expert, I want to set my application (Exe file) to run when some one just start computer and doesn't need to login in to any account. I find a way that set application to run as startup but it requires user to login in to account. But i want …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Toyakoyo

Hello,everyone! I have been suffer from a problem as tile says. I have no idea to solve this problem. I hope anyone who can help me! Thanks. The following is the question: In this project, you are going to invent a minimal seek-distance disk scheduler under a given QOS constraint …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for bangor_boy

Hi I have attached a copy of a round robin schedule I have produced, can someone check this is correct. Process Arrival time Service time 1 0 4 2 1 3 3 3 2 4 5 8 5 7 2 If any errors can someone advise where please

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for deviliq

hi there [B]how do i determine the average Number of Queue Items that leave the queue (example: processes leaving the ready queue in order to be Running in the CPU) per second?[/B] i need this value to calculate for the average waiting time. the formula is: w = n/X where …

Member Avatar for deviliq
Member Avatar for diniboi

Whats up guys? I need help my code is not working too great could someone please help me? My Input should be : 03/12 hello there My Output should be : March the 12th: hello there It needs to work for January, February, March, April, May and June. And all …

Member Avatar for diniboi
Member Avatar for ezkonekgal

i'd like to ask if to is calculate the turn around time of a particular process is: turn around time = burst time - arrival time ?? and what about response time and waiting time? like in a preemptive scheduling where a process is preempt when a new process enters …

Member Avatar for srikanthn9

Hi, I am facing problems in scheduling the cron to run on first monday of the everymonth. Can anybody help me out? Regards, sri

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

A reader at Slashdot [URL="http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/01/13/222229"]posed an interesting question[/URL] this week. His (or her?) company has instituted a new scheduling policy known as "9/80." It compresses 80 hours of work into only nine days, instead of the more traditional 10. In exchange for working longer days, employees get every other Friday …


The End.