Dear Sir,

I have following codes to save record in MySql.

    $insert_query = "INSERT INTO ghee (sno,pack,weight) VALUES (18,'kk',80)";
    $insertion_result = mysql_query($insert_query);
    //check whether the data insertion was successful
        die("Sorry! Something went wrong.</p>"); 
        echo "<p>Record saved successfully.</p>"; 

These codes work fine, no error. But I need some modification as

In above code these values are going to save

$insert_query = "INSERT INTO ghee (sno,pack,weight) VALUES (18,'kk',80)";

If I press submit button then values are written in dbf.
But if I press submit button MORE THAN ONE TIME then everytime it says:

echo "<p>Record saved successfully.</p>"; 

Before sending data to table it must check whether current SNO=18 already exist or not. If already exist then it must say:

die "<p>Current SNO=18 already exists .</p>";

Please help

Try this



    $check_insert_query = "SELECT   * FROM   ghee  WHERE sno='18'";
    $check_insert_result = mysql_query($check_insert_query);
    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($check_insert_result);
    if($num_rows>0) {
            die ("<p>Current SNO=18 already exists</p>");
    else {
        $insert_query = "INSERT INTO ghee (sno,pack,weight) VALUES (18,'kk',80)";
        $insertion_result = mysql_query($insert_query);
        //check whether the data insertion was successful
            die("Sorry! Something went wrong.</p>"); 
            echo "<p>Record saved successfully.</p>"; 

Sir it does not work, here is table picture

Click Here


Please delete previous values from the table .. And test the above code again.

*For the duplicate entry problem an other option, or in addition to be more sure, you could also set the SNO column as primary or unique in your DB.

*For the dubble click problem you could hide the submit button with Javascript and doing so you will prevent a dobble click.

Hide the submit button is not proper solution.

Yeah.....either you could place the error msg indicator inside a condition block than else block or else you could go for a java script.

Member Avatar for diafol

Depending on whether SNO is a primary key or not, you could use INSERT IGNORE or INSERT...ON DUPLICATE...



    $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ghee (sno,pack,weight) VALUES (18,'kk',80)";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
            die("<p>Sorry! Something went wrong, or record already exists</p>"); 
            echo "<p>Record saved successfully.</p>"; 


Unsure about the return value of the query - so that may be wrong. Also this is considerably slower than a separate SELECT and INSERT.

The INSERT...ON DUPLICATE... is much faster too. Further info here...

an other solution that should prevent the dubble click problem is not to use the if clause and your cose should be so:

$insert_query = "INSERT INTO ghee (sno,pack,weight) VALUES (18,'kk',80)";  
$insertion_result = mysql_query($insert_query) or die("error message");
Print "Success message";

The code from Bachov Vargese above is correct, except you don't use quotes around numeric input to databases and that is probably where the error came from: I took the quotes off from around the number 18 and that should fix it. With '18' you are telling SQL to look for a string which reads '18', but with 18 you are telling SQL to look for the number 18--big difference.

$check_insert_query = "SELECT * FROM ghee WHERE sno = 18"; // HERE
$check_insert_result = mysql_query($check_insert_query);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($check_insert_result);
if($num_rows>0) {
die ("<p>Current SNO=18 already exists</p>");
else {
$insert_query = "INSERT INTO ghee (sno,pack,weight) VALUES (18,'kk',80)";
$insertion_result = mysql_query($insert_query);
//check whether the data insertion was successful
die("Sorry! Something went wrong.</p>");
echo "<p>Record saved successfully.</p>";
Member Avatar for diafol

you don't use quotes around numeric input to databases and that is probably where the error came from: I took the quotes off from around the number 18 and that should fix it. With '18' you are telling SQL to look for a string which reads '18', but with 18 you are telling SQL to look for the number 18--big difference

That's just plain wrong. Although it is more correct to leave off the quotes, it will still work.

Yeah, I was mistaken. MySQL does do implicit conversions for numeric data. Anyway, if you want to have a unique constraint you can you it through the MySQL command line interface like this-->

Login using the root account or whatever account you administer with.

use <Database name>;

Alter Table ghee
Add Constraint unique_sno
unique (sno);

This would add a unique constraint (Acts like a PK) to your table and then PHP wouldn't be able to insert duplicates.

If you already have a PK or another constraint that might cause a problem then you could remove it like this:

Alter table ghee
Drop Key <whatever_the_constraint_name_is>;

To find a constraint name you can use this:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.table_constraints
WHERE table_schema = schema()
and table_name = 'ghee';

You could also use multiple columns for a primary key like this:

Alter Table ghee
Add Constraint unique_entry
unique(sno, pack, weight);

Basically though, I guess your problem is that you don't have a required constraint on your Db table to stop redundant data entries. Anyway good luck and sorry about the bad information before.

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