..im new in PHP and and I want to know how to create html form that sends file(images) to phpmyadmin(database) consider that you have to choose the database first from the dropdown list of database.. then display it's table after choosen it.. please help..

here must be the sql flow.. from html form...

  <option value="DB1">DATABASE 1</option>
  <option value="DB2">DATABASE 2</option>
  <option value="DB3">DATABASE 3</option>
  <option value="DB4" selected>DATABASE 4</option>//selected

 ==next it will display after you choose one of database==

  <option value="table_1">table 1</option>
  <option value="table_2">table 2</option>
  <option value="table_3">table 3</option>
  <option value="table_4" selected>table 4</option>// selected


this suppose to be insert to databse 4 table 4..

please help

What exactly do you need help with? What do you have so far?

i have a simple upload form and i want to improve it in a way that i can easily categorize the upload process. wherein
I can choose the database and table first before clicking the submit form..

im developing small website wherein i have to upload many images that must be categorize.. for example: CATEGORY_MENS_DB -> Clothes_fashion_TABLE..

wherein i have to get the list of my database and list of its corresponding table.. and put it into select dropdown.. please help..

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