I am trying to delete a member of staff from a table using php using a drop down menu of staff id's he is my code

<!-- deletestaffmember.php -->
$conn = OCILogon("wkagonye","maniki", "shu10g");
$query = "select StaffNo from tblstaff";
$stmt = ociparse($conn, $query);
<form action="deletestaffmember.php" method="post">
<select name="StaffNo">
while (ocifetchinto($stmt, $row))
print "<option>";
print $row[0];
print "</option>";
<input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Delete Staff member">

if ($_POST["StaffNo"]=="")
print "Please Select a member of staff using a staff number to Delete";
$staffno =$_POST[StaffNo];

$query = "delete from tblstaff where StaffNo = '$StaffNo' ";
$stmt = ociparse($conn, $query);

while (ocifetchinto($stmt, $row))
print "$row[0]\t$row[1]";
print "<br>";



This is the error message i get

Warning: ocifetchinto(): OCIFetchInto: ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch in /homedir/ilex-s04/dsmith25/public_html/deletestaffmember.php on line 45
any answers

you should set the value of the


and it should be equal to $row[0];
somthing like this ...

print "<option value='".$row[0]."'>";
 print $row[0];
 print "</option>";

dosnt work mate tried it i am starting to lose patience with it i still get the same error message

Delete the value through in array

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