guys i need help i have a programming logic test for a job and i dont know what to expect. what can i expect what how can i prepare for this test. if i past i will be trained about the NET.FRAMEWORK. HELP ME GUYS

Logic test eh? Hmm, well what about how would you code a program to do the following?;


Or what about Unions and Groupings of Logical pairs?

I think I have some actual questions in a binder at home..I will check and post back!

Do you know anything about the .NET framework? Or any of the languages used in it (C#, VB.NET, C++, ASP.NET[well that's kinda like VB and C#], J#, etc) if you know any of those you should be fine.
Or they could be testing you on what the .NET framework provides and does. It's basically an interpreter for MSIL (Microsoft Intermidiate Language) the CLR (Common Language Runtime) interpretes the MSIL. A plus about the .NET framework is that it's language independant. Someone can write C# code, and access it from C++ or VB. Not something that could have been done before (or as easily as now). It also has an awesome base library.
That's probably the stuff they're going to ask you. But just search for .NET stuff. You'll learn a lot there.

practice practice practice, with problems :D solve puzzles.. solve math problems..

Most companies (at least around here) don't worry about your expertise in any particular language but how you solve problems. Like ProgrammersTalk said, go through a lot of practice problems, and try to always come up with the most efficient solution. Have a good grasp of algorithms and how to measure their efficiency. When it comes down to it, learning a programming language is the easiest part... :icon_wink:

guys i need help i have a programming logic test for a job and i dont know what to expect. what can i expect what how can i prepare for this test. if i past i will be trained about the NET.FRAMEWORK. HELP ME GUYS

What company is it? I had to take a logic test for a company called Atlas development. I got 17 out of 20, at least that is what they said. Apparently if you get 17 out of 20 you are not a good programmer because they didn't want to talk to me anymore.

Personally I think test like this show very little. I do not consider myself a good test taker but everyone I have worked with tells me I am a very good programmer. So this company doesn't want people who are good programmers or are maybe a good fit for the company they just want someone who can do well on a timed test using a strange programming language that they tell you about during the test.

Huenemeca, I feel your pain man :)
I participated on some logic test from which they were able to point out that I will not be successful in the required job/task.
First of all the test did not contain any sort of problem solving tasks, actually it did not test any programming related skills... so how on earth do you come up with any programmer related conclusions from that test.
Second there was a lot of pressure, not just on me, I could see on other candidates as well. This pressure was also contributed from the examiners as well... I hardly believe that the job required to do your best in a nerves environment, but if it did then I'm glad I didn't pass.
Personally I think that these tests should test some programmer's related skills, like problem solving, algorithmic thinking etc., basically something like this C# programming test or for unexperienced programmers some variation of FizzBuzz test.

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