I've got this script to validate phone numbers. I want to allow numbers 0-9 and the characters -,(,) and + the following seems to only work if the input is all numbers and spaces. Suggestions?

if(!ereg("^[0-9\-\(\)\ \+]+$", $phoneNumber)||empty($phoneNumber)){
print'Please enter a valid phone number' ;					$error++;

From comment posted in POSIX regular expressions section of PHP Manual:

I was having a ton of issues with other people's phone number validation expressions, so I made my own. It works with most US phone numbers, including those with extentions. Format matches any of the following formats:

555 1234567
555 123 4567
555 123-4567
(555)123 4567
(555) 1234567
(555) 123-4567
(555) 123 4567

And any of the following extentions can be added with or without a space between them and the number:
x. 123
x 123
ext. 123
ext 123

Extentions support between 1 and 5 digits.

Here is the expression:

$regex = '^[(]?[2-9]{1}[0-9]{2}[) -]{0,2}' . '[0-9]{3}[- ]?' . '[0-9]{4}[ ]?' . '((x|ext)[.]?[ ]?[0-9]{1,5})?$';

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>I want to allow numbers 0-9 and the characters -,(,) and +

If this is all you want you don't even need regular expressions.

Ok... how would you do it?

try dis one...

if (!preg_match('/[^((0-9)|\-|\(|\)|\+)]+/', $number) && !empty($number)) {
print "Valid phone number!!!\n";
else {
print "Please enter valid phone number!!!";

if (!preg_match('/[^((0-9)|\-|\(|\)|\+)]+((x|ext)[.]?[ ]?[0-9]{1,5})?$/', $number) && !empty($number)) {
print "Valid phone number!!!\n";
else {
print "Please enter valid phone number!!!";

the last one for the extension checking......

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