11 Topics

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Member Avatar for Robert_9

Hello, I am a student and I was assigned to create my first entity relationship diagram and I'm kind of lost. The professor hints the paintings should be broken into a generalization hierarchy since they have so many attributes but I can only break them into two sub(entities) based on …

Member Avatar for Robert_9
Member Avatar for adil.ghori

1. Display student id, student first name, student last name, the students’s faculty advisor id, advisor last name, advisor location and phone number. You will join uc_student and uc_faculty 2. Write a SELECT statement that will return the faculty last name, faculty first name and the room for faculty whose …

Member Avatar for adil.ghori
Member Avatar for pure_honey

Hi there, i need to draw an ERD Diagram and i can only draw the, product,blueprint,hardware,software and i am stuck Please help...i would appreciate it a lot.Many thanks. **Scenario:** You have been asked to create a database design for the BoingX Aircraft Company (BAC), which has two products: TRX-5A and …

Member Avatar for thezeeshanasgha

This is an ERD of medical lab software. I am confused due to a circle or roundTrip of the relation between the Entities. Is I made it correct or not ? if not how to make it correct ? [URL="http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/422463_280238002046639_100001813236086_645715_1317454702_n.jpg"]http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/422463_280238002046639_100001813236086_645715_1317454702_n.jpg[/URL]

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for latinunit.net

Hiya, I need to design a ERD with UML notation, can anyone suggest a tool? Sweet and simple Thanks. Dave

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for kelvinnvl

I've to design a database for a tuition centre. Here is some business rules for it: - A centre has many student (1-m) - A centre has many teacher (1-m) - A centre offer one or more subjects (1-m) - A teacher teaches one or more subjects and a subject …

Member Avatar for kelvinnvl
Member Avatar for capiuy

I'm having troubles designing the following ERD, I find it extremely hard, so I would appreciate any suggestions on how to resolve it. I need to store sentences in PHP and another ones in JAVA, always mapping them between languages and map their equivalent position between them too, so every …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for netdev11

hello i am developing my uni project organiztion management system for hr organization hirarchy -organization1 can have its [CODE]--org1suborg1 --org1suborg2 ---org1suborg2suborg1[/CODE] -organization1 can have [CODE]-suborg1 department1 department1 department2 -employee in organization departments[/CODE] here is database so far [CODE] organaization (orgid,orgname,parentorgid) department (departid,orgid,departname,parentdepartid) employee (orgid,departid,employeeid,employeename) [/CODE] i want some one to …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for vikmatz

Can someone help me how to relate events, team, athletes and results in olympic games design

Member Avatar for Cbick

Hello all, I am new to database design and was wondering if someone would look at my ERD to see if I have my relationships correctly identified along with foriegn keys as well. If it is not correct could someone point me in the right direction to correct my mistakes. …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for yehiasalam

Hi, I designed this ERD for a small social networking website (1-2 million user), and I would love to get experts feedback on the initial design [url]http://www.seegh.com/erd.png[/url] Thanks In Advance Regards. Yehia A.Salam


The End.