1. Display student id, student first name, student last name, the students’s faculty
    advisor id, advisor last name, advisor location and phone number. You will join
    uc_student and uc_faculty
  2. Write a SELECT statement that will return the faculty last name, faculty first name
    and the room for faculty whose offices are located in the ‘BUS’ building.
  3. Display data from the uc_course_section table by performing a Three Table Join with
    the uc_course_section, uc_location and uc_course. The SELECT statement will display
    the course section id (c_sec_id), the course name, number of credits, maximum
    number of enrollments in a course section, building and room where the class meets
    and the capacity of the room … and only for courses for term_id 5.
  4. Write a select statement that will display student id, student last name and the
    number of courses a student has been enrolled. You will need to join two table, use a
    COUNT aggregate and a GROUP BY clause in your SELECT statement.
  5. Create a SELECT statement that would provide data for a faculty directory. Display
    should include faculty id, first name, middle initial, last name, office location (building
    and room), rank and phone number. The display should be sorted by last name
    ascending. Concatenate first name, middle initial and last name to look like ‘ James E.
    Smith’. Concatenate building and room to look like ‘ENG102’. Override the column
    labels with meaningful descriptions.Bold Text Here

Looks like good practice for you and your studies/assignment. Good for you for doing this on your own!

commented: thank you +0

ERD is the logical structure of databases.Entities are the things about which we seek information whereas attributes are data about the entities and relationships represents the structure to draw information from multiple entities.

its not my assignment neither someone project, its something I found on internet and now trying to do, I havn't learnt it like a student, just tried and somehow getting result of it, if someone give me hints for that. by the way thank you.

Hi Again ! Would anyone of you like to tell me is it the right way to make this diagrams.. ERD....

where's the student table? That's an important one.

commented: I did the other one, check the next post +0

LOL ! did some other one, this ERD is for;

The ERD should include:
1. A title block with a descriptive title, your name, and date.
2. The entities as outlined in the case.
3. Show relationships with crow’s foot.
4. Show connectivity for each relationship
5. Identify mandatory and optional dependencies.
6. Resolve all many-to-many relationships

is it right, what i made...

This comes down to interpretation but I'm going to throw in my 2 pennies.
0 or 1 candidates takes 0 or more sessions and 0 or more sessions creates 0 or 1 courses <--I'm not sure about this. For example, in order to have a session, you'd need at least 1 candidate, not 0. Does 0 or more sessions create 0 or 1 courses? Not really sure about this one either. I'm also not sure how 1 and only 1 course teaches 0 or many learned? I guess the naming convention might be throwing me off here. Anyways, that's a start in my opinion.

can you make one for me, according to;
The ERD should include:
1. A title block with a descriptive title, your name, and date.
2. The entities as outlined in the case.
3. Show relationships with crow’s foot.
4. Show connectivity for each relationship
5. Identify mandatory and optional dependencies.
6. Resolve all many-to-many relationships

let me see if you can make one that is clean and clear of confusions...

Sorry, I can't do this right now for you. I encourage you to try again though and post what you've done. In my opinion, that's the best way for you to learn.

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