7 Topics

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Member Avatar for peterman.k

Hello all, So I am a college student learning c++ (planning to major in computer science). Just my luck, the computer science department using visual studio for their entry level classes, which I have been using with no issues for the last year via a VM; I can access the …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

At a time when prices are being driven down across the spectrum of electronics, one company clearly has avoided this trap: Apple. While others struggle to squeeze profits from a market that is becoming increasingly commoditized (sub-$200 netbooks anyone?), Apple maintains its edge and its hefty profit margin. It got …

Member Avatar for shirleyjones
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Lots of strong opinions about Microsoft out there. There are people who stand behind it staunchly. In their eyes Microsoft can do no wrong and critics like me are simply buffoons who don't get it. Then there are people who hate Microsoft for everything it stands for. In their minds …

Member Avatar for josephwright
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Apple announced a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3348.html"]retooled line of notebooks[/URL] yesterday, and that means good things for businesses thinking of upgrading laptops for its employees. But, I don't mean that the way you think I do. There's no doubt that the new glass trackpad and fancy casing make Apple's new line of MacBooks …

Member Avatar for nixfan
Member Avatar for tamar

My infatuation about the new [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1968.html"]Macbook Air[/URL] is not ending just yet. In fact, the [URL="http://blogs.computerworld.com/the_new_macbook_pros_are_coming"]ComputerWorld blog[/URL] has news -- hopefully insider scoop -- about what I'm dreaming about. Author Seth Weintraub says that the reason for the Macbook Pro delay (that is, why they weren't announced last week at …

Member Avatar for JonathanD
Member Avatar for tamar

So, MacWorld finally came and went. For months, I've anticipated this event. After Apple released [URL="http://www.apple.com/macosx/"]Leopard[/URL] in November, I had my eyes set on moving over to the Mac world. But without any guarantees that Apple would preinstall Leopard on existing laptops in their inventory and after hearing about numerous …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for kc0arf

As many of you already know, Apple has released a new line of computers with Intel chips inside -- namely the new iMac, and the MacBook. I took delivery of my new one the last week of February, and it was a wonderful new tool to take me into the …

Member Avatar for alc6379

The End.