197 Topics

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Member Avatar for boris90

Hi, this is my first post here, and I really need some help with my homework. I'm a newbie to Java programming, and I have this assignment: [I]Write an application which reads data from a file about certain items (one row - one item, stored are the integer valued code, …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for lunchmeat

Widows Vista screen on, no image or sounds. Hard boot used to work. (I've heard powering a computer off that way is not good?) Followed cumulative advice: 1. VGA chord worked. For some reason, images showed up on my monitor/television. 2. I remembered to count the tabs (1 and enter, …

Member Avatar for Mikey37
Member Avatar for shapam

Hey buddies i want to know tht How can i redirect my sql query result to text file using sql command.

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for atikah8890

Hi. I need to retrieve and list out the records from 'expenses' according to the date (eg. January 2011). I used substring to get the month (01 for January, 02 for February, etc.) and year. My date format is DD/MM/YYYY. I've tried echoing out $sql2 and the values obtained are …

Member Avatar for atikah8890
Member Avatar for zurk91

I am starting to try and manipulate some CSV file data. My first problem is the empty values (empty cells in a spread sheet). My boss sends me these files and when I open the in csv format Python gives me: "Denison, P14, , , , , $1600" I can't …

Member Avatar for valorien
Member Avatar for OASys1

Greetings, I have just went from Access 2003 to 2007.... I have a project requiremtn to output some reports to PDF file format... Don't know how to do it.... I tried doing a little research but.... :-( I am open to ideas... I would like to automate the process so …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for zaneulhaq

Hey guys, what i'm basically trying to do in this code is to write an array which is automatically written to a txt file in the order I have shown below, however, I not only get this error [code] --------------------Configuration: testmtl - Win32 Debug-------------------- Linking... LIBCD.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for v3ga

I just started on SPOJ. It tests by redirecting standard input and output to files. Is there a way to do that directly from the terminal instead of modifying the program.

Member Avatar for v3ga
Member Avatar for carmstr4

Hey guys, Is it possible to change the color of characters in a list if they do/dont meet certain conditions? So here's my code: [CODE]def checkWord(real, guess, remReal, remGuess, wrongSpot): # Format the letters so user knows whats wrong/right fullWord= real # Create copy list of real word realWord= list(fullWord) …

Member Avatar for carmstr4
Member Avatar for IcantC

Hi there, My question is how could I output byte value (meaning zeros and ones) to screen. I just want to try some shifts and see how it works.

Member Avatar for IcantC
Member Avatar for |-|x

I was just about to post asking how to do this when I stumbled across the solution. All my research on the web suggests that the only way is to use stored procedures with an output parameter. Unfortunately, my queries are necessarily dynamically generated, and output parameters do not work …

Member Avatar for harde

The program should calculate the average of the values stored in the [B]rates[/B] array. It then should display the average rate on the screen. Display the average with two decimal places. Complete the program using the [B]for [/B]statement. Save and then run the program. Complete the program and also have …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Guipborges

Hi everybody. I have a simple problem. Need send the c++ output to excel(csv->xls or xls direct) in formated data. I can send the data to excel, but i can´t format that like this: |_ col 1__|___col 2___|___col n____| row 1......|....2row 1 row 2......|....2row 2 row 3......|... 2row n What …

Member Avatar for matt1117

Ok so i have this work for my java class done so far. And i cannot figure out how to get the different letters from an inputted word to output as a number. The assignment is get a user to input a 7 letter word and output it as a …

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou
Member Avatar for VengefulToast

Hi forum, I just need help on my code. I am trying to find all the Armstrong numbers from 100-999(i.e. when the cubes of three digits added together equal the number - 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153.) My code works until it gets to line 93, then it …

Member Avatar for skaa
Member Avatar for doomsday1216

Hi-- I am new to C++ and am having trouble with this program: The objective is to take input from a file and write it to output, using the '|' character as the delimiter, but displaying it using a comma (ex, if line 1 is "1000|6 1 6 5 3 …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for harde

Slot Machine I got all this so far !!! Nex is .. First build in support for writing output to an output file. 2 Make a copy of your existing program and modify the new program to be array based or to use functions or both. It does not have …

Member Avatar for sushlet
Member Avatar for xxunknown321

How do i get my program to read the last ten lines of the ".txt" file? Can you please dumb it down as much as possible. Here is what i have so far: // reading a text file #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () …

Member Avatar for usustarr
Member Avatar for lobebe

I have this code [ICODE] Facilities: <?=$Product->facilities;?><br /><? } ?>[/ICODE] It's display result like this: [B]Facilities: One, Two, three[/B] Is there a way i can make it display in a [B]tabular form[/B]? I have check the databse and it display like Facilities: One, Two, three Thank you in anticipation.

Member Avatar for lobebe
Member Avatar for compulove

I wrote code that will send all my textbox information to a text file. It successfully goes there but it is all in one line and in no type of order. What I wanted to do was have it in on line spaced correctly and possibly with column headers to …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for aero31aero

I have a file of name PROFILES.DAT in which several records are stored. I want to create some new fields in those records so I made a new program to read the file, store records in a structure, copy the structure elements into a new structure and finally write the …

Member Avatar for aero31aero
Member Avatar for anu07

The output I expected was: [ICODE]alpha beta[/ICODE] I used the following code: [CODE]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); char choice[2][5]={"alpha","beta"}; cout<<choice[0]<<endl; cout<<choice[1]; getch(); }[/CODE] But this is what comes: [ICODE]alphabeta beta[/ICODE] Can anyone tell me what I did wrong? Thank you. P.S.:I know I am not using standard c++, but …

Member Avatar for anu07
Member Avatar for konman795

Hi everybody, I have been having trouble with the output of a set of points for my triangle program. When I run my program, it outputs in the end "triangle1 coordinates: Vertex A is java.awt.Point[x=12,y=13]" and I have no idea how to format it to hide the "[B]java.awt.Point[/B]" part. Any …

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Member Avatar for datdude07

I have a problem getting my assembly program designed to get the first 47 numbers of the fibonacci series to output to a file. I'm not getting any errors except for when opening command window. This is the exact question on my homework problem if this helps : Using Programming …

Member Avatar for datdude07
Member Avatar for SoFLy

For an assignment, I am writing a program in c++ that prompts the user for the day of the month, the weekday (numerically), the month, and the year. Then, based on that, I've got to have it output a calendar that is similar to the Unix 'cal' command. I've got …

Member Avatar for anna12

hey all, im new at shell scripting and need to find out a simple way to create text files, with random words in them. then needing to input 3 of these files arranging their lines in alphabetical order and after that creating an output file with the last lines sorted …

Member Avatar for eryxzs
Member Avatar for kaskoraja

Hi.. I have a file with title output.dat.format of this file is as follows [CODE] 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 -2.00E-02 9.48E+02 1 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 -1.80E-02 9.48E+02 [/CODE] yes,Thats right.without any comma between.(just tab space) i need to create a file from this output.dat which has form similar to [CODE] 0,9.48E+02 0,9.48E+02 …

Member Avatar for kaskoraja
Member Avatar for PurpleHeaven

Hello guys I need some help about the Pascal's Triangle. It's not about showing an output of the triangle itself but it's a little different. The user will be asked to choose a row number in the triangle. After that, it will output the sum of all the values above …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for aero31aero

I want to create a program in which the output currently on screen is stored in the file and when required, can be read and printed on the screen as it is. I want to use it to create a program in turbo c++.

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for DJWK

This program should extract the first line. Somehow I'm getting the last line instead of the first... This is the textfile: [ICODE]N100 G96 S200 N115 G0 X600 Z-1004.95 T11 D2 M3 M7 H10 N125 G0 X500 N130 G1 X419 F0.5 N135 G1 Z-1004 N140 G0 X500 N145 G0 Z-419.7 N150 …

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The End.