247 Topics

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Member Avatar for plang007

I need a lot of help with this program: I know this is a homework problem but I am really struggling with it. This program requires you to input information about rickshaw taxi fares. The ODUSPORTS is a student powered on-campus rickshaw transportation system. Upon departure, a ticket is created …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for plang007

Here is my code: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #include <time.h> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; int main() { // = (num3&&num4) - (num1&&num2); // save this calc for later: hrIn + (hrOut/60.0); // same thing = num3 + (num4/60); // write an alogorithm to establish the …

Member Avatar for rxlim
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I'm using .NET 3.5 with VS 2005 C#. I created a simple application where when I select the time zone from a combo box, it displays the current time of that time zone. To do this I simply use the GetSystemTimeZones() method of TimeZoneInfo class, and then populate the combo …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I want to get details of user when he registers with my website for security reasons. I need ip and date and time I guess. Is there anything else I need to cache while registering? How to get ip,time and date? And time will be in which timezone? I want …

Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar
Member Avatar for jijo cleetus

Hi i need to convert date format 16/1/2010 10:10:2011 AM to 1/16/2010 10:10:2011 AM after that i need to put values to database too as datetime datatype.Can you please help. many thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jijo cleetus
Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, I have a windows form application that is designed to monitor payments made within agreed timescales. Once a timescale has passed any payments that are outstanding will get assigned as arrears. What I need to decide is the best way to handle the task that checks if the due …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for Boubakr

Hi... Let's say that we have this: [CODE]somme = raw_input('1 + 1 = ') if somme == 2: print 'Good - Time For Answer: ' else: print 'False - The Right Answer is: 2 -Time For Answer:'[/CODE] So... how can we get the time for writing any things on raw_input()

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for Drakarus

I am making a program that involves adding time. It involves adding a beginning time, duration which would lead to the result of an end time from the sum of beginning time and duration. I will illustrate the problem i am having below: 12:15 start time with a duration of …

Member Avatar for nathanseye
Member Avatar for Shanti C

Hello All, I am new to JSP. Currently i am working on jsp project with mysql. I got stucked with jsp date and time which supports mysql datetime format. [I need to do more time calculations in my project.] Please come up with your suggestions. Thanks in Advance. SHANTI.

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for keavon

Hello. What I need is very simple in concept, although I am the worst in the world (not really) at JavaScript. I basically want to make a displayed image change, no special effects, every set amount of seconds. I also want to have a forward and backward image button to …

Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi is there an accepted way to calculate the number of times a specific day would come round in a given timespan? For example if we have 32 as a variable that represents the number of weeks I would then need to find out how many times the first of …

Member Avatar for jlivvers
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi there I'm writing to a file so that it creates a back log of the data and time i did something. I've got the program so it writes the data that is needed and also the date and time. the problem is if you use the program more then …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for Seapoe

Hello, I have implemented different sorting algorithms (bubble sort, merge sort, heap sort, etc...) and want to calculate the running time for each one on different sets of data. I'm using Visual Studiois but am familiar with Dev C++ and Xcode on Mac. I used C++. Is there some special …

Member Avatar for UberJoker
Member Avatar for yellowkaiq

For a project i'm working on now, i need to create a function that is in the format Hours:Minutes: seconds: Fraction where fraction is 1/10th of a second. It should print out every one tenth of a second. I have no idea where to start or how to do this, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Brianbc

I am using the code below to insert time into a table, and this is the output it's giving me: 0000-00-00 [CODE]//table start DATETIME, //code to insert date into db $_POST['start']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $insert = "INSERT INTO eguardIPs (Field1,Field2,Field3,start) VALUES ('".$_POST['Field1']."', '".$_POST['Field2']."', '".$_POST['Field3']."', '".$_POST['start']."')"; $add_start = mysql_query($insert);[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Brianbc
Member Avatar for mikeflash

Hey all, I have several cron jobs running but some of them take a lot of time to complete, since it requires fetching data from an external website and then updates my site's database. My hosting provider has a 120 second time limit for PHP scripts, which is too low …

Member Avatar for maba001
Member Avatar for Kushika
Member Avatar for Kushika
Member Avatar for chineerat

hi! I would some advice or guidance to create a timetable or schedule [URL="http://www.dentistry.usyd.edu.au/upload/timetable_example.jpg"]like this[/URL]. the data i am pulling from my db are: Begin and end time of courses, course names and day of the week. Also I would like a notification of when 2 courses overlaps. for example: …

Member Avatar for chineerat
Member Avatar for arareyna

Hi everyone.. I'm new to python, the more to matplotlib :( and I am hoping that I can get help from this community... :) I have a .csv file, first column is a time stamp with format HH:MM:SS, next 8 columns are values of different parameters. I want to plot …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for NH1

I need help with converting standard time to military time through a button. Then being able to use another button to convert back.

Member Avatar for NH1
Member Avatar for Synthuir

So I'm writing a bit of code for use in an IRC bot. I tried to use scheduler to get around the barbaric-ness of calling time.sleep() every time I want the bot to delay for a few seconds. In scheduler you can choose the delay function "for example time.sleep()"-- but …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for pietpiraat

Hello everyone, i have a problem with calculating my ending time in php, here is the situation: i get five values, [LIST] [*]$startdate [*]$startmin [*]$starthour [*]$minute [*]$hour [/LIST] where $minute and $hour are the event duration times, now what i am trying to achieve is with these values set, i …

Member Avatar for pietpiraat
Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

Hey guys, thanks a lot for the help. Here's the code I have for going through each file in a directory I specify: [CODE] for root, dirs, files in os.walk('%s'%(DOSEnvironVar)): for this_file in files: if this_file.find('.csv')>-1: filepath = os.path.join(root, this_file) currentfile=open(filepath,'r') filelines = currentfile.readlines() [/CODE] I would like to add …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I have a table that has a datetime column. What I'm trying to do is select the time only like one does when selecting only the day or month from a date column (eg SELECT day(date)) Can anyone tell me how to get this right. Using the following …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Danny_501

Hi all, why is the following code printing the wrong result? [CODE]/* Returns the current time. */ char *time_stamp(){ char *str = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 23); int len; struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; struct tm *tm; gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); tm=localtime(&tv.tv_sec); printf("\n\n\n%04d-%02d-%02d %d:%02d:%02d:%03d\n\n\n", tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_wday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, tv.tv_usec/1000); sprintf(str, …

Member Avatar for IsharaComix
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Sure, looking for news stories with a search engine can tell you about the past, but a new application might act more like a very comprehensive crystal ball. A search engine prototype created by Yahoo's Barcelona lab lets users look into the future -- sort of.[ATTACH]16945[/ATTACH]The [URL="http://fbmya01.barcelonamedia.org:8080/future/"]application[/URL] was revealed this …

Member Avatar for GoodLuckChuck
Member Avatar for Naveed_786

I want to display date and time on top of the form where normlly written form1 forms name i want to display date in formate of for example 23 August 2010 and time in this formate 12:33:20AM Please please help.

Member Avatar for krunal1089
Member Avatar for ronparker

Hello all, To begin, I am working with a MySQL database using python. In the database, I am working with 3 columns: REF_ENTRY_TIME, REF_EXIT_TIME, REF_ENTRY_VALUE. My goal is to graph the net value position against time. For the time portion, both REF_ENTRY_TIME and REF_EXIT_TIME are random various times between 9:00 …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pietpiraat

Hello all, i'm trying to show the time between a start & end time selection, problem is, i do not know my way around javascript/jquery that good, so i hoop someone will help me. i have four dropdown select boxes: [LIST] [*]start hour [*]start minute [*]end hour [*]end minute [/LIST] …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Tarkenfire

Okay, so in all honesty, I began learning Python about 2 days ago, so this is a rather noobish question(well, I've programmed in other languages, so it's not THAT noobish), but I'm making an IRC bot and can't figure out how to make it so that a line of code …

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The End.