OK so I have done all the necessary seo steps that every book, forum, and manual has suggested every one of the programs used to check your keywords, and tags give me a 100% and it has been over 2 mos, but my site has still not been listed by the search engines under my keywords I have good organic links, submitted my site to google ,used the webmaster tools and nothing.If I google my name it will come up but that is the only way.So what should I do I have considered paying someone to get me listed at least for a month.That away atleast I will be under the right category as I do not care if I am #1 but at least I want to be in the right category. I have tons of text on my site as well.I am talking about the .com site in my signature if anyone wants to look at it.

I would suggest stronger backlinks.

if you are commenting on sites, that's not going to get you "organic" backlinks. you want people to start linking to you naturally without you having to ask for the links.

I always recommend this: create content which draws people in, content that makes people want to talk about your site and link to your site. That in itself will help create the organic backlinks you need to compete in a competitive or non-competitive category on the search engines.

Put the website in your signature link at few do follow forums , your website will appear in google index in few days.

To rank better you should optimize specific keywords and look for quality backlinks.

I think forum posting and directory submission is the best way for that.

It is in about 20 different forums with over 500 posts

Just be patient. It could take up to 18 months to see top 100 ranking for your keywords.

That is what I figured I am just gonna hire someone

Just be patient. It could take up to 18 months to see top 100 ranking for your keywords.

Ok well it didnt take 18 mos I actually got on the 4th page for my keyword.I am excited. So now how do I build it to GO HIGHER UP?

Page Rank is directly proportional to the no of inbound links you have and link quality also matters in it. And these inbound links can be get from directories, forums, blogs and press releases. Outbound links are also important but not as much inbound.

Your site has very few good links with keywords in the anchor text of the links. What your site needs is proper On page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization with Directory Submissions, Article Writing and Submissions, Blog Posts and commenting, Forum posts and commenting, Link Exchange, and One-Way links, etc, to rank for keywords.

PR is not everything for ranking for keywords.

SEO-SEM Professional

That is what I figured I am just gonna hire someone

Seems to me you are wasting your time posting repetitively.

Concentrate on building your web site. Make your content outstanding in comparison with your keyphrase competitors. The search engine will come around to liking what you have created and will eventually reward you for your web content's uniqueness and authoritativeness.

Naturally evolve. Don't listen to the short-cut takers whose advice will only provide temporary spikes. Get to the top and stay at the top!

Well I did have some luck I got one of my sites to the first two pages for what I wanted however when I created the sites I put the keywords in the url. Worked like a charm but the site that does not have the keywords in it I have found to be a problem. So that site I am going to turn over to a company to have it professionally done as I have tried everything and give up! That site getting to the top is not the problem Id be happy get listed under the right keyword ha ha,AND YES MY TAGS AND CONTENT ARE FULL OF THAT KEYWORD

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