i have found this page :

there is a perfect seo checklist on it. but i didn't see any date to see if it is uptodate or not.
what do you think about its content?
is it updated or outdated?

Thanks for your sharing and I would like to recommend another great article titled 'search engine ranking factors' from seomoz. It is thorough and great. :)

Seems comprehensive and it would probably make a good guide for most people, especially people who are learning SEO and want to cut through to the main points.

there is an item in checklist at web page i introduce in first post of this thread that i didn't understand it.
it is no 76 :
" Bans in robots.txt : If indexing of a considerable portion of the site is banned, this is likely to affect the nonbanned part as well because spiders will come less frequently to a “noindex” site."

what should i do if i have some directories in my site which are private and don't like spiders crawl theme?

Some of the points will never go outdated like number of back links, title tag etc..
I will give a ranking 3 out of 5 to this link..

Hi All,

SEO checklist can be prepared by individual person. It is just the matter of listing out of SEO activities involving both on page and off page optimisation and then looking at the website thoroughly checking whether it is matching up with your prepared checklist.

Some example related to points in the SEO checklist may be
Whether robots.txt file is there?
Whether xml and html sitemap is there?
Title is in H1 format or not?
And so on.
By doing this way you can get idea about your SEO knowledge and certainly can work in the weak areas.


i have found this page :
www webconfs com/15-minute-seo php

there is a perfect seo checklist on it. but i didn't see any date to see if it is uptodate or not.
what do you think about its content?
is it updated or outdated?

There is some useful information there. Of course I found some really bad advice too but generally, the list is fairly up-to-date.

I would like to add that SEO performed mechanically (ie:insert keyphrase here, insert keyphrase there) is of less value than freely written keyphrase rich content, content that gently pursuades the search engine and enforced with optimized web page components. The more natural your presentation appears the better optimized it will be.

Create webpages for the Internet visitor, primarily, make things worth visiting and the search engines will reward your work.

thanks canadafred,
you are right at this "The more natural your presentation appears the better optimized it will " but we are using some CMSs which aren't written by ourselves.so we need to change some parts of them to make them better with SEs.

There is some useful information there. Of course I found some really bad advice too but generally, the list is fairly up-to-date.

I would like to add that SEO performed mechanically (ie:insert keyphrase here, insert keyphrase there) is of less value than freely written keyphrase rich content, content that gently pursuades the search engine and enforced with optimized web page components. The more natural your presentation appears the better optimized it will be.

Create webpages for the Internet visitor, primarily, make things worth visiting and the search engines will reward your work.

There is some useful information there. Of course I found some really bad advice too but generally, the list is fairly up-to-date.

I would like to add that SEO performed mechanically (ie:insert keyphrase here, insert keyphrase there) is of less value than freely written keyphrase rich content, content that gently pursuades the search engine and enforced with optimized web page components. The more natural your presentation appears the better optimized it will be.

Create webpages for the Internet visitor, primarily, make things worth visiting and the search engines will reward your work.

Well said. As a big advocate of designing pages for the visitor rather than the SE, I advise my clients the same way you say it here.


I dunno about you guys, but I have a habit of coming up with SEO strategies of my own rather follow others. The only strategy, which I follow at this stage and which is there in my checklist, is having Chartbusting Content Written and then promoted across several social bookmarking websites.

It seems to be ok but you must look into other strategies as well too.

This module provides a checklist of good Drupal SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices. Maximize the presence of your Drupal website in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. It provides a checklist that helps you keep track of what needs to be done. First, it will look to see what modules you already have installed. Then, all you have to do is go down the list of unchecked items and do them. When all the items are checked, you're done!

good quality content and link building is an effective way to rank in most SE's

Hi All,

Some algorithams are as it for example, title, keywords, descrition tags and important of content etc so i think this is updated.

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