
1) I remember I've usually read to better choose the solution with fore- and last name in one word if you're going to use your name as a domain name.
But I couldn't find any solid sounding reason. Is there any?

2) I also consider the solution with the dot, so the domain could be open for other family members.
But then - could that be a disadvantage SEO/SERP wise?

Two questions on one day - sorry mates, I know, I owe you a beer!


I think it is a matter of preference. I know that for marketers it used to be that the harder you make the name for your visitors to find you, the less likely they will. This is not to say things have changed. My husband's site combined the company name without spaces, hyphens or dots. Whereas my blog has hyphens. Maybe that is the difference, I can get away with it in a blog. I really do not know, but I can assure you that it also depends IMMENSELY on how you market your site, and how well you optimize it using SEO techniques.

Hi articlewriter,

thanks for your post!
Wow, considering your blog is quite young, you are well placed in the SERPs - Congratulations!

As I didn't really get an answer to this, I'd like to reask my second question, about the solution with the subdomain/dot:
Possibly it's not an easy answer, but I hope some SEO genius could help me with this.

Besides going for "forename-lastname.com" or for "forenamelastname.com" I consider the solution "forename.lastname.com", so the domain could be open for other family members.
But then - could that be a disadvantage SEO/SERP wise?
I mean - could the subdomain sites hurt one another?


Hello Dominique,

Thank you... Yes, I write my husband does the rest. He is amazing at SEO and so are his employees.

Anyway, I asked him this question and he thinks that the forenamelastname without the dot or the dash is actually best. He thinks it is much easier for people to remember. He thinks that with regards to SERPs and PR (whenever that happens) it should not matter that much, as long as you have quality content on your site and it is properly optimized ON and OFF page. He also thinks that subdomains can be optimized as well and at the same time. You can PM me if you want/ He is probably better at explaining it than I am.

He does not handle any of the Forum posting for his business, some of his employees do, that is why I can not give you a username. But if you do not get a better answer, send me a PM and I can have my husband reply with a better answer.


thanks a lot for your answer and offer.
I am perfectly glad with your answer about my issue!


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