I am new to Web site development and looking for a starting point. Does anyone have a suggestion on what software is a good one to start to teach myself Web site development?

My advice for you is to start with HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language. you can visit this address for web design tutorial www.w3schoools.com

I am using Macromedia Dreamwear and recently looking into Firefox for image optimization for web. I am doing HTML and learning about CSS.

Firefox... haha, cute, think you mean fireworks reen. If you would like to dive right into the deep end without learning html. I'd suggest, go for Golive, html is easy, and you can probably pick it up as you go along.

Firefox... haha, cute, think you mean fireworks reen. If you would like to dive right into the deep end without learning html. I'd suggest, go for Golive, html is easy, and you can probably pick it up as you go along.

Ha ha! I have called fireworks every combination of fire and whatever else possible! My fav is FireForks though...LOL Sorry for that...he he he

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