Recently I found this project:

it is a forum script with no mysql
I know this can be dangerous
but what are the advantages of a forum with no mysql?

will it load faster?
less robust?


I can think of only one advantage i.e. it can run on a server without any back end database support. Many free hosts does'nt offer database(like mysql) support, and this script may be useful in those situations.

its not a bad idea to store the information in text files with php, but it can get messy and slow loading if you dont organize/sort them the best way. I would go for MySql but i would try it if i really would like one without mySql.

it can get messy and slow loading if you dont organize/sort them

Text files are simple to use, but as Sorcher said you need to stay on top of it or it will get messy in a hurry. I would spring for the database.

Check out this free hosting, they should support everything you are trying to accomplish.

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