10 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I've been using GenuTax since 2013 to file my Canadian tax return. It's provided free and does the job nicely, but it misses one feature. Up north we can do pension splitting. That means I can offload some of my pension income onto my spouse, hopefully putting us in a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Happy 150th birthday to all of the Canadian Daniweb members. ![DSCF4166.JPG](/attachments/large/3/02ce0218964c94dddb8a85068c2570bb.JPG "align-center")

Member Avatar for Agilemind
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The election is over and it looks like fear loses, at least for now. Our former Conservative government, led by Stephen Harper, went down in flames to the Liberals, led by Justin Trudeau. Thus ends a decade of Conservative rule that was slowly turning Canada into the US. One of …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

This is likely to be of interest to only the Canadian members of DW, but I would like to hear anyone's thoughts about the upcoming Quebec election and the possibility of another referendum, especially in light of recent setbacks in Scotland's move toward indepenedence.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for NoCodeMonkey

**This Is what I have so far, I'm looking for someone to help me fix errors they might see and give me some tips to make some changes.** [Date] [Company name] [Company Address] [Company City, State, Zip] Dear Employer, I am a student at St. Clair College studying Computer Systems …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for hinakhan11

As the Marketing trends and tactics are changed with the passage of time and the Main Medium of communication with groups and individual has become Mobile Phone and people care about its updates like text messages so the Advertising Agency discovered Mobile Marketing as the most instant and simplest way …

Member Avatar for vanilla23
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

The land of maple syrup, curling, Mounties, hockey, Mexican beer's sudsy love child, free healthcare, and self-titled bacon has just obtained another claim to fame: the first Netflix stream-only endeavor. [ATTACH]15908[/ATTACH]Netflix, the world's leading movie and TV subscription service with over 13 million subscribers, is extending its services to Canada …

Member Avatar for LynxSI

Hello Everyone, I thought I'd introduce myself and see if there are any fellow Canadians on here (particularly from the lower mainland BC). I'm a software developer who does all things Microsoft. C#.net, ASP.net, SQL/T-SQL. I've covered ground all the way from embedded device development in Ansi C on proprietary …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Now, how many of you looked at the headline on this piece and thought anything, shall we say, biological? Yes, I know you are now, because I've suggested it - but just before you got through that sentence, did anyone think I meant anything other than 'working hard'? Of course …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

The End.