40 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

This is yet another thing that everyone just accepts, but nobody can tell me why this decision was made. Everyone is familiar with the Windows screen coordinate system where x and y values increase to the right, for x, and down, for y. What is not noticible until you start …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Hi all. Would it be a good idea to have a polar coordinate class and derive from it spherical and cylindrical coordinate classes? Or should I keep 3 separate classes?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Start4me

I'm trying to show a user JOptionPane where they enter x and y coordinates each in their own textfield, but I don't know how to store user input as ints. So I need to do something like: int xCorFromUser = xCor; int yCorFromUser = yCor; I have this code so …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for vEjEsE

I'm wondering how impossible it can be to connect a touch panel (with USB controller) to a PC for it to send X,Y coordinates when an event happens (the panel is touched). After searching the web for an entire day I couldn't find more then pieces of information that don't …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ddanbe

To refresh my mind I did some exercises about complex numbers. I was constantly drawing axes and arrows. So I decided to print out some worksheets with a program to make my life a bit easier, and because it is always fun to design a little program to do that …

Member Avatar for Screwby

Hello, sorry for the rudeness for asking for help on the first post but I'm still a beginner in programming. I am trying to create a GUI for plotting function using Tkinter and Python. In the top a label will show the current position of the mouse in the canvas …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

Hi again, before a year ago when we were doing the graphics class at college my professor said that the coordinate system is reversed in programming that means that the Y axe is positive when facing down and the X axe is negative when facing right , however when using …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for cmabill

I want to use below code for my google map, which is posted on internet and easy to understand, but it doesn't works. I hae get API key but when I replace the original key, I don't know which part of code I need to modified. how to get a …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for giancan

Dear friends, I need our help for a new task. I have a gps track (sequence of lat long and altitude) and I would like to know if there is a way to make an offset (or a parallel line if you prefer) of this line to its right and …

Member Avatar for giancan
Member Avatar for TF401

Is it possible to find where a user **clicked** on the site, not just where it is his mouse ? -(doesn't matter in what website programming language) Thanks alot!!

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for giancan

Dear friends, I create a script to extract coordinate from the exif of a number of images and create an excel file with thumbnail, latitude, longitude and other columns. I was wondering if there was an (easy) way to find the closest placename from geonames given lat and long. Thanks, …

Member Avatar for M.S.
Member Avatar for bazzer14

Hi, all. I would like to know about convertion from (x, y) to (latitude, longitude)? For Example: In my project(windows form - VB.NET) i have a Panel (control) and have a MouseMove Event then when i moving the mouse it have a location such as: Label1.text = e.X Label2.text = …

Member Avatar for bazzer14
Member Avatar for sleign

This question could probably be posted in several areas, but what I am writing is a google maps application and I'm also pulling feeds, so I'm choosing this as the main category to post this question in. Basically, I've pulled a feed from NOAA which gives me weather alerts. I …

Member Avatar for sleign
Member Avatar for CodeNinjaMike

So, basically im using the codea bove to generate coordinates for a grid, but I only want to generate coordinates for the "outer ring" of a square. SO imagine a grid of 7x7, I won't generate coordinates for the inner 5x5 square, only for the outer ring. Basically I drew …

Member Avatar for greatman05

Hello. What are some ways that one can work with (x,y) coordinate pairs in Python? I'm doing a homework assignment that requires me to create a program that can check for certain binary relations (reflexive, transitive, symmetric), and I'm having an issue coming up with the best approach for it. …

Member Avatar for greatman05
Member Avatar for zukazen

Greetings, I'm making a program that draws a certain mathematics function. Here's the problem,my x and y axis aren't defined as the picturebox's. What I mean is that my axis are not located in the top left corner of the picturebox. So normally, the function would start from the top …

Member Avatar for zukazen
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

How can I get the coordinates of the output of a truetype font. I need to write a function like so: [CODE]struct CartesianCoord{float x,float y}; CartesionCoord *printfont(const char *filename,char ch, int &len) { /*Read the font in filename.ttf and convert it to a set of vertices describing the resulting shape. …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for RLS0812

According to this post [url]http://www.python-forum.org/pythonforum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=31349#p146797[/url] it claimed to be possible to create a list were you can store and recall data using a coordinate system ... [code]SomeList[1][5][2] = 234 [/code] I have been playing around with the code a while, and have ran into a problem. No matter what I …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jalpesh_007

I have posted one code. please help me i can't get msg at mouse pointer. please tell me how can i get label at the co-ordinates where the event has taken place. also tell what is the problem with code..it gives output after minimizing and maximizing. hope for reply. Thank …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for ZeroEddy

Hey I have recently started to learn canvas in html5. As of now I can draw all the basic shapes rectangles arcs etc. I am also able to get the mouse coordinates and show them in a text box in the main body of the html. I am just wondering …

Member Avatar for ZeroEddy
Member Avatar for ddanbe

This is code to plot a "random walk" in polar coordinates.See also: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/code/379275[/url] Just posted the code of my main form, more details can be found in the zip file. I also included a sample output. I perhaps intend to use this in some sort of game, were a biologist …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for giancan

Hi guys, I have a difficult problem to solve. I have a list with 4 columns of values as follow 750.633 379.039 652.524 1112.63 930.491 452.16 842.753 1191.78 882.063 446.411 787.56 1183.43 434.362 410.174 325.863 1145.34 954.426 445.297 865.449 1183.74 1233.67 194.909 1155.27 908.305 1505.97 917.95 1441.07 1698.01 852.882 133.219 …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for ddanbe

What polar coordinates are is explained [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_coordinate_system]here[/url]. I wanted to draw some polar functions myself, so I changed my [url=http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/code/217204]plotting class [/url] a bit and added a polar struct to a new project.. Just posted code for the Plot class and the polar point structure here. You can find an …

Member Avatar for emorjon2

Hi All! I'm try to make a game in C++ with OpenGl. So far i've programmed the sprite and the platform. the next thing is to create a AI bot who will try to kill you in the game. but I've got the most bisarr problem with that: The AIBot …

Member Avatar for emorjon2
Member Avatar for knan

Hi, I am building a simple android application that sends GPS coordinates from an Android phone to a Webserver, and the received co-ordinates are displayed one by one in the server. I think both my client and server side programs are correct, but I am not sure. Please correct the …

Member Avatar for Vega_Knight

Hi, i want to get current position of cursor on the form. there are label to show the coordinates of cursor position. anyone can help me. i don't have idea for this. thanks Best regards.

Member Avatar for Vega_Knight
Member Avatar for Kunal Aggarwal

[CODE]void CScreenCoordDlg::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint p) { GetCursorPos(&p); m_ValX = p.x; m_ValY = p.y; UpdateData(FALSE); }[/CODE] I used the following code to get the mouse coordinates on mouse move. But the problem is as soon as the mouse moves out of the dialog window it stops updating the mouse coordinates. Although …

Member Avatar for CharlieNewey

Hi there, I have a set of coordinates (data points) that I want to use Python3 to fit an exponential decay curve to. I've used this resource [URL="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LeastSquaresFittingExponential.html"]here[/URL] as a base for building my program. The problem is, no matter what the x-value I put in is, the y-value ALWAYS …

Member Avatar for CharlieNewey
Member Avatar for martin11ph

Is there any code that will enable me to click on portions of the form with the use of coordinates? I know most of you find it easier to just use controlname.click but it is not possible for my application. Hope someone can help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for prgmwitch

Hello, I'm working on a program that requires an XY coordinate plan and I can't seem to find a source anywhere!! that shows how to print a "." or "+" or anything at a certain xy coordinate on the screen. for instance, I need to be able to take 2 …

Member Avatar for mrnutty

The End.