28 Topics

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Member Avatar for ben.juarez.773

Hello! I am looking for some help, and have provided the code. I'm just trying to do some simple stuff. I'm trying to create a simple game without using classes (but using lists). What I'm trying to do is create collision detection among list objects ("bullets" and "baddies"), as you'll …

Member Avatar for a_9
Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

This tutorial is the first time I write about coding techniques for improving the performance of software. This is going to be a step-by-step journey through a real example, with real benchmark results at every step so that you can see the effect of the different optimization techniques. And as …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for lea_1

Hey, all! I'm trying to figure out how to add collision detection to the following code but I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to pull in the x and y coordinates of the different eggs that are falling randomly. Would you be able to tell me what I'm …

Member Avatar for janissantony
Member Avatar for ParPau

I have been looking for a solution to isolate markings and have not found anything on the internet that is close to for what I am looking. I am trying to isolate the markings in a series of pictures. I have one, unmarked image. I then have a series of …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for DragonMastur

I want to make a game that requires the arrow keys to be pressed. How do I detect if a key has been pressed?

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I am trying to determine collision in a 2D Side Scroller environment using Rectangles. However, the way most people do it is to get the bounds of the Tile. I do not use Tile's in this case, I am just drawing Simple Full Colored Rectangles using Graphics2D. `g.drawRect(int x, int …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Varunkrishna

Hi everyone I need a suggestion on detecting the faults/bugs in a java program. To say I should check whether my program is faultless. Thanks, Varun Krishna. P

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for CJMW

So im making a simple RPG using c# and xna. For collision, i am using a text file that contains data about whether a tile is passable or not. I iterate through them and create rectangles based on the position of the 'bad' tile in the text file. I then …

Member Avatar for CJMW
Member Avatar for CJMW

So im posting this here and not under game development because this is more of a problem solving question, not directly game related. Im making a simple RPG using xna. Im currently working on collision detection, however running into difficulty. I can successfully check for a collision between the player …

Member Avatar for CJMW
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello good day. I am hoping to discover some free/trial software that will allow we to identify a printed/drawn symbol/sticker on images in a folder. I have taken a picture of a few pages from my notebook(handwritten). On these pages I have put stickers. Is there a software that allows …

Member Avatar for DM Galaxy
Member Avatar for danielsikes

I am new to perl. Is there any way that perl can detect when a field is focused in an external program? The script would just need to know when a text input field was selected. Thanks,

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Necrozze

Im making a 2D platformer-ish shooter its really simple and not much effort put in it, it is my first game Im making in python and its for a school project and needs to be finnised really soon. Everything is working just fine but Im having problem with some collision …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for Chuckleluck

Hello, I've been having a lot of trouble with collision detection recently. I'm attempting to make a 2D platformer. All I need is rectangle-on-rectangle collision detection, and then to respond on collision by moving the two rectangles involved in opposite directions. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for bguild
Member Avatar for luck12

I am trying to add collision detection to this simple game, but I am a little lost on where to begin. I know I need to use rects to do this but I am struggling to find out what I need to code to make this work. Any pseudocode or …

Member Avatar for luck12
Member Avatar for Fedhell

IM A COMPLETE TOOL PLEASE IGNORE / DELETE THIS POST Hello everybody, im currently trying to learn 3d game development (ive developed 2d games in the past, nothing this complex, i am a third year programming student). Ive been working on this project in my spare time for the past …

Member Avatar for revelator

hi frnds, do anyone of you have theoritcal notes on Computer Organization, which include topics like Number Systems, Hamming Code, Error detection method ?? if you have can u pls let me know ?

Member Avatar for revelator
Member Avatar for AdmiralDonkey

Hi all, I have a robot which detects an object using hsl filtering and a blob counter to draw a rectangle around the object. What I am trying to do is get the robot to move to its right if the object is on the right side, else it moves …

Member Avatar for AdmiralDonkey
Member Avatar for vaironl

Hello forum, I have been asign a presentation in novelty detection. I'm searching the internet and many of the articles I find are either too advance or too simple. Does anyone have/ known good articles about novelty detection?

Member Avatar for Roger_1984

Hello guys, Recently, I'm working on a project to develop voice activation detection for my predicative dialer system. I'm using a sample program called Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK and I'm quite satisfied with it. This SDK is very flexible as you can implement it to already existing systems. You can …

Member Avatar for shandoosheri

Hi i need that when i put something like a ball in front of my webcam a square is putten around that ball and keep following it if i moved the ball i currently have no idea on how i can do this so any help whould be appreciated thank …

Member Avatar for shandoosheri
Member Avatar for ccao

Hi All, I am trying to create a image text detection program. The program is up and running, and I can distinguish between text and non-text using laplacian based method with an acceptable accuracy. However, the problem is that I need the program run with the speed > 100 (images/s), …

Member Avatar for ChaseRLewis
Member Avatar for madBadger

Yesterday my Toshiba laptop crashed, i pulled out the HD and plugged it into my desktop in an attempt to retrieve some data. To make space for the laptop HD I accidently removed the Desktop C: drive HD (mistaking it for another), when I plugged it back in I found …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for gamemaster13

Okay, I was downloading some zip files some while ago while at the same time, I'm also extracting downloaded zip files on my hd. By accident, the zip files that are still in extraction, I managed to click delete on them. The programs started to hang, then froze, which left …

Member Avatar for gamemaster13
Member Avatar for ziggy981

Hello, I have been given the source code of a large tailor made .Net Windows Application and im required to scan through it and certify that it is safe and Malware-free. Are there any tools out there that actually scan .Net source code to detect possible embedded/hidden Malware code? A …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for baruchM

My school assignment is to use browser detect to get the name and variation of a browser. I have been looking for detectible features, but the codes are way long. Document.all is good for seeing if this is explorer 4+, but what is a good thing for finding explorer 7? …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for jd_davis

Greetings, I've been given a challenge to build a simple game for my daughter. The idea is that you smash the spacebar, and a ball drops into the game, goes down some ramps, and lands at the bottom. Being a newbie programmer, this is becoming a challenge. I decided to …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for kaka@sam

Hey, I am new to this forum. I wanted some help . I was planning to do a project in remote OS detection . what would be the best way forward. the language to be used( i was thinking of java). basically how to start :)... thanks..

Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I'm working on a bluetooth chat application project called 'BlueChat'. I coded the server (BServer.java) and client (BClient.java) parts (2 separate threads). The visual part is called BlueChat.java and allowes the user to select to be the server or the client. I wrote a lot of System.out.println("")'s to check …

Member Avatar for Clawsy

The End.