63 Topics

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Member Avatar for blackmagic01021

Hello, I have a observer pattern based JTable. With time it is poulated with new data packets. I use addRow functionalities to add my rows. But I want to put always the last coming datapackets at the top. How to do it??

Member Avatar for blivori

have various classes representing various types of program-genres (comedy, drama etc). I have a text file filled with '-' seperated values that get read by a class called Processing and puts them into a LinkedList. I have another class GUI_g that creates the GUI. It has 3 JTables. One for …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for blivori

I have a GUI in which has a container for a JTable called 'listTable'. I want to populate the JTable with data stored in a linked list, using the AbstractTableModel. Basically, I have a LinkedList stored in Processing.java. It contains all the data retrieved from a text file. I created …

Member Avatar for ejosiah
Member Avatar for silvertooth07

Hello, I'm having a problem using the jTable plugin. I'm fairly new to using jquery. Here is my problem: I have an database name reg and has fields (fname, lname.....avatar). What i want is to show the contents of the database using jTable. Now, I don't know how to display …

Member Avatar for sincerelibran

Dear Friends, I have a frame which is a JSplitPane which is split horizontally into two. On the upper half I want a JFrame to appear and on the lower half I want a JTable to appear. I tired but couldn't get the answer correctly. Will anyone be able to …

Member Avatar for jouj
Member Avatar for vishnukumar

Hi, i am beginner in java. I doing my final year project in Java Swing. So far, somehow through some online tutorials and articles, i learned to finish 30$ of my project. Now, i need to know how to insert the data from my database into Jtable and display it.... …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for kalz

Hello Everyone I have an Internal frame in my application which has a JTable populated with values from a database and a JButton which performs some operation when a row is selected from the JTable.When the user does not select a row from the JTable and clicks the JButton, I …

Member Avatar for kalz
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hi I am writing one simple program for upgrading my knowlegde from C# to Java but I am failed to attach ActionListener to JComboBox which is added to a cell of JTable at run time. Actually I want to perform update operation and delete operation on selecting Update or Delete …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for seredi

i) My Table contains no of columns and a jcheckbox i the last column. ii) I am using a combobox to select certain value. iii) based on the value of combo box the jbutton loads the data into the table. iv) when i [B]reload[/B] the data into the table, the …

Member Avatar for itexamstube
Member Avatar for Libanesaren

Hello I'm new to Java so all help appreciated I have already searched for similar threads but with no results helping me. I whant to save the data that I input in my Jtable to another Jtable. So the name address etc. that I input in the customer (kundGUI) class …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for kinesaren

Hello I'm new to Java so all help appreciated I have already searched for similar threads but with no results helping me I want to make the text in JTextField to search for the data in the JTable and highlight it. Here is my customer class: [CODE] public class Kund …

Member Avatar for kinesaren
Member Avatar for nsyncpilu

Hy , I have a jTable , for printing it i`m using jTable.print(JTable.PrintMode.FIT_WIDTH). I have no problem with that. What i want to do is this (the table extends on 3 pages): On the first page the title should be "Bla bla bla" , and o the last page under …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for inamul20

Hi!! my application have 2 frames including tabel 1,tabel 2 when run time i insert values though textfileds to tabel 1 ,after inserting 5 or more then i click next button then display other frame with tabel 2 and tabel 2 must auto filled. my problm is last row(i already …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tusharkango

Hi everyone... I just finished making a program for Video Rental in java..its not much..just retrieves the data from the DB and we can add or edit it...it works perfectly. But now, i want it to display the "Client Name" and "Client ID" field from my Client table and "movie …

Member Avatar for chrischristy37
Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

I want to increase column width automatically when record is added or record fetched from database in jtable in java.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for spencer.kindt

I have to make a bank GUI and I have a Jlist that populates with the customer objects (viewable by name) and I can view their individual info... but when I select the customer, I also want to be able to pull their account info and put it in a …

Member Avatar for ayas

I'm trying to merge cells of the same row and after researching i found this link: [url]http://codeguru.earthweb.com/java/articles/139.shtml[/url] I downloaded the files and tried using it but it didn't run because of an error I don't understand:S can anybody help??

Member Avatar for Aviras
Member Avatar for buba_kazouba

i wanted to create a gui java program that reads info from MySql then output it in a JTable. but i first tried to use the JTable because it was my first time to use it. It worked perfectly but when i tried to read from the database it doesn't …

Member Avatar for buba_kazouba
Member Avatar for ayas

I'm trying to create my own JTable, with every row containing 5 check boxes meaning that I have 5 columns and I want them all to have check boxes When I try that the table goes blank and nothing appears at all, so I can only put 1 per row. …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for cozmo87

I'm writing an application for processing scientific data. The data is displayed in a jTable. I'm done with the data processing itself, now I want to do some conditional formatting to make interpretation easier for the end user. [LIST=1] [*]The last column of the table contains a threshold value, and …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for navp

Heya guys, I am trying to make a desktop application for my assignment. I have to design an application that will have a JTable, JTextField and Buttons. I am done the GUI part. The input that user enters into the table should get stored into the database using an "insert" …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for Melow

i'm trying to populate a JList, and i saw that this is how it supose to work [code] JTable tabel = new JTable(); tabel = new JTable(row, cols); while (it.hasNext() && it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext() && it3.hasNext() && it4.hasNext()) { Object ob[][] = { { it.next(), it1.next(), it2.next(), it3.next(), it4.next() }} …

Member Avatar for Melow
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

I'm using a JTable with a DefaultTableModel. I use the Load Button for populating the JTable. Anyway, the problem I have is with the Delete row button. (defaulttablemodel.removeRow). This is the whole project: [code=java] package proiect1; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; import java.io.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

Hello, I want to use a JTable for displaying data loaded from a .txt file. The problem is that I don't see any methods for inserting a row. The code NetBeans generates is this: [code=java] jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); tabel = new javax.swing.JTable(); label1 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jButton1 = new …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for nickoooname

Hey guys, im getting a null pointer exception... but i dont know what is wrong. Im trying to get data from a hashmap, and place it in a swing tabel. [CODE=java] ArrayList planes_array[] = null; //planes_array[0] = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i<planes.size(); i++) { ArrayList tmp_array = new ArrayList(); tmp_array.add("1"); …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Juniorr

Hi, I am trying to add rows to different tables. I have found this code on the web. But this is only for one JTable. I have three tables in one JFrame. How will I modify this code to three different tables. Thanks for your help. [CODE] firstTable = new …

Member Avatar for naxysch

Hi what i am trying to do here is highlight a particular cell in a table using a custom cell renderer. And by the way this is my first cell renderer so i am really not sure what to do! ok now here is the renderer I have written and …

Member Avatar for naxysch
Member Avatar for daniiii

Hi guys, First, many thanks for reading my post, happy to have found you! I have data(objects) that is stored in a hashmap, my goal is to store this data in a JTable, using a separate cell for each entry, rather than starting on a new column each time. I …

Member Avatar for daniiii
Member Avatar for ketanbembi

Hi i am new bie to swings. if i have a JTable. And i want to add number of rows with different number of columns like Employee1, Software Developer, swings Employee2, software developer What is the way of adding rows having different number of columns to a JTable Thanks.

Member Avatar for DeadSoul
Member Avatar for white feather

[CODE] public void setTableModel(List<Users> users) { eraseTableRows(); for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { Users u = users.get(i); tm.insertRow(i, new Object[] { stuff }); } } private void eraseTableRows() { for (int i = 0; i > tm.getRowCount(); i++) { tm.removeRow(i); } [/CODE] i've tried this and …

Member Avatar for white feather

The End.