Let's create a story out of our wildest imaginations. I'll start it out then you continue. The rules... The last poster should have a hanging ending of his line so that the next poster can continue. Here we go.

Once upon a time, there lived a mighty prince who loves to eat donuts and pizza at the same time. He is strong and swift but stands 5 feet tall. He lives in a far away land where dolphins talk and donkeys eat meat. His name is...

Let's create a story out of our wildest imaginations. I'll start it out then you continue. The rules... The last poster should have a hanging ending of his line so that the next poster can continue. Here we go.

Once upon a time, there lived a mighty prince who loves to eat donuts and pizza at the same time. He is strong and swift but stands 5 feet tall. He lives in a far away land where dolphins talk and donkeys eat meat. His name is...

hard to pronounce. Most just call him Phfffneww, which is short for ...

hard to pronounce. Most just call him Phfffneww, which is short for ...

The dolphinese E-e-e-ek-e-e-e-e-a-a-a-phifff This nickname just seemed to fit his personality which was...

... A lively creature capable of immense power and speed. These powers though had a consequence which was...

An immense appetite for chicken cordon bleu which is hard to come by if your a fish so he developed a sly way to....

Transfer his left pinkie to his right toe and pretend that he's an alien watching porn movies...One day, he was bored, he though of cooking his grandma but...

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... he decided it was time to look for Ruehasn, his lovely hippo, to go to the center of the town and look for a nice place to take a nap meanwhile...

He found his Grandma sleeping in Ruehasn's bed but the friendly Hippo was nowhere to be found. So he loaded Granny on his underwater Segway and off they went to............

New York to watch the New York Knicks. Grandma saw Isaiah Thomas (Knick's coach) and she felt something really nasty. She then....

pulled that crab out of her but and gave it to Isaiah who was so grateful to have a snack he called a time out. After the game they all...............

Grab some lunch at Frank Restaurant. Grandma ordered some......

... Pork Tenderloin with Pepper Jelly and Gorgonzola for main dishes and Fresh French Baguettes with Butter Roses for side dishes and then for the dessert she ordered....

the greatest pie there is....Key Lime. Grandma couldn't believe what she saw! She thought it was the amount of alcohol she had consumed but...it wasn't....Grandma saw a...

Manta Ray the size of Rhode Island and perched on top was Ruehasn the lovely Hippo!! He was wearing a .......

Red Hat in the shape of a heart. It was the corniest hat anyone had ever seen. He was trying to express his love towards the...

Washed your mouth out with soap; and then began walkin to the Village to listen to jazz. On the way a man with green leather shoes stopped them and whispered..............."

"pppstttt, Froze, you missed a page."
Then he gave Grandma and envelope with a letter inside that reads.............

"Dear Grandma,

I would like to warn you that on Christmas Eve, you and Grandpa should stay home to protect yourself against all crazy beings. I'm telling you this because I know you guys don't have Reindeer or John deere insurance.

Love Ruehasn

P.S. Check the contents of the envelope"

Grandma looked in the envelope to see a.........

....An eyeball of Dark wing duck. It shines like the stars above the heavens. Grandma kept the eyeball into the....

pusre that she owns...She rose from her chair...spun around in a circle really fast, multiple times and she turned into a...

Big fat old grandma. In her amazement she did spun around again and this time, she turned into a...

Arnold Schwarzenegger... with really long blonde hair... Her grandson looked at her and asked...

Wtf is that on your head? Arnold Grandma, whatever looked for a mirror to see what's on top of her head..in awe, she saw a shining red....

Stop sign...She couldn't understand how it got there but she kind of liked it.... Then all of a sudden this thing ran into the restaurant..... It was a....

Big fat ugly version of Brad Pitt...He ate every thing he sees...But he stepped into something...It was Grandma's....

Poodle... Her grandson brought it with him to surprise grandma with the gift he got for the poodle. It was...

... fat and ugly, and hovered 4 feet off the ground, which was almost ...

10 times higher then my entire vertical jump... So he grabbed the poodle and....

Gave it to an old man who happens to be...

Grandpa, who took the poodle and started to jump rope when all of a sudden he...

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