The month of November has been an exciting month for TechTalkForums for a number of reasons. One of those is all the great new mods we have to help out around here.

Within the next few days I'll be coming up with a new page with a pic and bio for each of our great helpers.

Now here's the challenge. With all the wonderful members we have going for us, I thought maybe we could have a thread starter challenge! The competition will end on the last day of January 2004.

The winner is the member who started a thread between now and the end of the competition that has received the most number of replies. (This eliminates inscissor's word association game LOL)

Please, please don't bump (post twice in a row) your own thread.
Threads that are conversations between only two people, for example, are not eligible.
Threads must be interesting and productive to our community.
Threads such as "Reply with anything and let's see if we can have the longest thread" will not be eligible.

The winner along with the winning thread will be our February member of the month (the second month of 2004) - displayed along with their pic and bio on our new mods page! :)

I can't think of a better way to kick-off the end of the first month of the new year that with a congrats to all our members!

Yeah, let's see who is our most interesting conversation starter now ;)

Haha, what if a mod wins? Does he/she get his/her info twice? ;)

Incase you are feeling short of topics.

- swear at M$, Windoze: all linux fans and windoze fans will join.
- swear at this site: all ppl will join (though it may be another case that thread is locked/deleted :p )

to get extra replies:
(hint: register 5-6 users and install 3-4 browsers. login with different username from each browser. we cannot have 2 ppl talking to each other but we can have 4 ppl talking to each other ;)
for maximum performance benefit, do this in closing days, so people get caught by surprise, that thread 1234 was leading and suddenly in 2-3 days the new thread 4321 is the most popular one :D )

best of luck

Haha, what if a mod wins? Does he/she get his/her info twice? ;)

Mods are excluded from this contest. However, they're still eligible for the other contests we have posted at the moment.

Clarification regarding rules for benefit on community:-
1) can one post polls?
2) can one bribe mods to sticky some perticular thread so that it gets maximum focus and hence max replies ?

I really like #2 :p

interesting contest, im in! lol, ill try to think of something interesting..... perhaps a really vague tutorial :D

MGM out

I think the moderators should be able to make the final decision on which is the longest, and most interesting thread ;)

Clarification regarding rules for benefit on community:-
1) can one post polls?
2) can one bribe mods to sticky some perticular thread so that it gets maximum focus and hence max replies ?

Yes, if the most interesting thread happens to be attached to a poll, all the power to ya! As for stickies, :-P

Well, the February member of the month is Ron Wolpa! He started a thread about Internet Explorer 6 being hijacked. The thread received over 30 replies discussing the problem, others with similar problems, and how to solve it. Members have even posted saying it solved their problem :) In addition, the thread has received many hits from search engines with almost 2000 views! Check it out here: [thread]2262[/thread]

Congratulations Ron! :)

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