A few days ago, TechTalkGal, minding her own business, stoped at a stop sign, got plowed over by a horrible driver. TechTalkGal has whiplash, concussions, burns from the airbag, cuts and bruses.

From all the members at TechTalkForums, we wish you a speedy recovery, TechTalkGal!

Reply to this thread with your support!

i hope you have a fun and quick recovery ;D

Yeah, hope you feel better. Just because you're sick, I'll let you sing "Peter the Meter Reader" all you want without screaming in pain. :roll:

Hey hey peeps! Thanx for the quick recovery wishes. I still have a bad headache but it's beginning to feel a bit better. I'm just all around sore right now. While I'm stuck at home recovering I found the time to redo TechTalk! Other than that, I've been pretty busy with skewl ..........

It's going to be a looong year !

I hear that. That E-Commerce class is killing me. I went in there expecting programming... and now we have to do all this business research. Apparently, the programming part comes in the next follow-up course, "Advanced E-commerce" which was what I originally wanted to take. Doh.

By the way, the above message "guest" is me. Not a global mod anymore so I can't change it. :shock:

I'm still having a problem with guest administration. In order for me to change that post from "guest" to "inscissor" I had to manually edit the MySQL database. (ugh what a pain)

Why did you even bother? The post wasn't THAT important. :D

I was trying to test out a new Guest Admin mod I installed. Basically if a guest user just types a message, there's nothing you can do about it. But if they type a message AND anything (e.g. "blah") as a username, you can associate that username they typed in with a valid member. Ok Ok enough ranting. YES! That post was THAT IMPORTANT!!

Btw, did ya notice who's a global mod once again? wink wink

hey TTG :!: SORRY to hear about ur run-in w/the mack truck, but glad 2c ur ok :D hope u dont mind a big hug >>> ((((((((((((((((((((((((( TTG )))))))))))))))) & KOTC with well wishes :!: :!: :!:

Hey there! Thanx for all the well wishes. Yeah, I'm slowly getting better. (Why is it a rule that you always get worse before you get better?) Right now I'm just ultra sore from head to toe.

Once again, thanks all!! Talk to uz all real soon!! :P

I hope you get better I am so sorry to hear that I been so busy & I haven't kept up with anything I hope for the best and you are on your way for recovery. I was also hit twice once on a red light and once on a stop sign I dont understand why people dont pay attention to the road. I am sorry to hear that and best wishes to you Dani.

Get Better


hey TTG, feelin any bettr :?:

Hey there!! Yes feeling a LOT LOT LOT better. The only bad thing is I'm on pain medicine now which puts me to sleep ... which gets quite interesting during classes.

But other than that the only complaints I have are all the work that has piled up that's due at the end of this weekend!!

Thanks for asking :P

"Kool Beans!!!" (ok, ok, i promise, i'll stop using that! ;) )

You better take that back Paul. Guys are not allowed to use words such as "cute", "adorable" and phrases such as "kool beans." :shock:

:shock: OK :!: OK :!: OK :!: EVIL BEANS then:!: :!: :!: ....btw, does that mean wer not allowed 2 wear pink tutu's either :?::!: ... ahhhhh, nevr mind! :D

"LUCY! You got some esplainin to do!"

What happened to Lucy? I haven't seen her lately. I hope she got run over by a truck.

:D Actually, that line is from the old tv show, "I Love Lucy" starring Lucille Ball and Ricky Ricardo - forgot all about our AI Lucy!

Alice, Lucy, Michelle. Same difference. :shock:

whoops :!: :shock: eh, guess she didn't change her name, huh?

Haha - ok enuf of that ... finally all better and just in time for another site makeover. I just can't seem to come up with a style I'm happy with.

That last 3d grey/black one was very nice ... but a bit too flashy and cluttered for my taste.

What do y'all think?

I think you're just doing it for your BCIS class. 8)

I ALREADY know. :shock:

next time i will log in b4 posting :O


Is "lol" by itself even worthy of a post? ;)


but was it worth you commenting about it? lol lol

end of this topic lol

haha too funny

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