This is my last post on this forum

Until I post another.

WireNine commented: useless +0

Thats.... Profound.

Wow. I've never know a pointless topic to be so meaningful...

Why would you post something like this?

Why would you post something like this?

This is the title for this forum:

Geek's Lounge: A random forum for chat about anything. Off-topic hang out for geeks. Have fun and relax in this forum.

Now, my question is, why would you post a stupid question like that?

May it rest in peace till its resurrected.

Or at the very least, dug up and defiled.


Update: This is my last post...As of right now. :cheesy:

Lol :)

(it says my message is too short... so i added this. :))

I too! :-)

Stop corrupting my thread.

Corruption is abound.

My best 5 things in the world are 3, eating & sleeping

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