address book--> phone numbers

phone numbers --> telemarketers

telemarketers--> ennoying

grammer--> school

annoying--> buggers

buggers --> boogers

boogers --> fingers

fingers --> nine inch nails

nine inch nails --> gutter
(gutter [noun] - A trough fixed under or along the eaves of houses for draining rainwater from a roof; most often suspended by speical clips or alluminum nails 9 to 10 inches long.)

gutter --> sandwich cookies

(as in nutter butter cuz it's the first thing I thought of! - yours was a good one Sparkplug - teehee)

sandwich cookies -->> creamy filling

filling-->my dinner

dinner --> junk food..

junk food --> McDonalds

Mc Donald's --> YUM!

YUM! --> Apple Pie

apple pie--> n custard

custard ---> Tart

tart --> prostitute

(Wow - jumped from apple pie to prostitutes in only 3 turns!)

tart --> prostitute

(Wow - jumped from apple pie to prostitutes in only 3 turns!)

prostitute --> Pathetic working conditions

pathetic working conditions -->> OSHA

(now what???) ;)

OSHA ---> Workers Union

(Uk equilvalent)

Workers Union -->> radical

(good one, mocap!)

radical --> buzzword of lying Politicians

...lying politicians -->> Bush

Bush --->> Mockery to the human race

mockery... -->> joke

Yeah but how do you really feel, mocap ;) - ditto - and off to bed after this one - thanks for playing! Hope to see you around again. ~kAtH

Joke ---> Blair

;;Nai Nai Kat;;


England --->> Rainy

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