free---> as a bird

as a bird --> light as a feather

["exclusive tradition honoring...", meaning that gay marriage is not honored and even when a recent attempt was made to honor it, the government (specifically George Bush) took away each state's constitutional right to make the decision to do so.]

light as a feather --> not me!! (unfortunately)

me --> The Greatest (such modesty!!)

The Greatest -->> Katherine
(as in Catherine the Great except this is the way I spell mine, so maybe I'm being arrogant - oh well)


Kathy-->my sweet cat

my sweet cat -->death

death--> The biggest truth of life

...truth... >> integrity

integrity-->will some time result in disintegrity



honest-->trait rarely found in anyone

My Sweet Cat -> Wendy

honest-->trait rarely found in anyone

trait rarely found in anyone -->> cynical

[sorry vicky_dev, I'm skipping you cuz I think you jumped in from another part of the thread. hope you jump back in here :) !]

cyincal --> Think too much

think too much -->> obsess

obsess-try not to be

obsess-try not to be

try not to be->to be or not to be

to be or not to be --> question



answers --> word games

word games-->interesting


life --> cycle


away---> Las Vegas

Las Vegas --> gambling

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