
addictive --> alcohol

alcohol -->> clean and sober

clean and sober --> all my life!
(and i plan to keep it that way)

all my life--whiling away time

whiling away...--> Wile E. Coyote

coyote-->ugly (film)

coyote-->ugly (film)

ugly--> duckling

duckling --> goosling

goosling--> small and sweet little thing

small and sweet little thing > G-Point

small and sweet little thing > G-Point

G-Point --> GPA



GED-->Ted (Lawson of Small Wonder fame)

Ted -->> Kennedy

Kennedy ~~~> NASA


space--> station

station --> position

position-->in your place of work

in your place of work --> bored

bored --> That's me

that's me --> cute tiger avatar

cute tiger avatar --> kAtHicKa

kAtHicKa-->stop showing ur tongue

Tongue --> Mc Donald's

Mcdonalds--> fast food chain

fast food chain --> Burger, hmmm

Burger--> I'm hungry

Hunger --> Song by Spectre General

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