grass roots --> dirt :mrgreen:

dirt --> vacuum

work --> ethic

ethic --> integrity

trust --- fund

Ms FundsRLow - - - - win Lotto

lotto --> bingo

bad game --> strip poker (hope it is not to rude)

strip poker-->never heard

never heard --> elephants

elephants-->I wish I could afford one(I cheated :))

i wish i could afford one-->BMW


Ferrari --> John Carmack

John Carmack-->Who is he?

Who is he? --> id Software

id Software-->Not again !

Not Again --> Windows Crash

Windows Crash-->No Big Deal

NAV2006 ----> Losing my favorite pocket protector at the playground and asking all of the little kids if they've seen it, but they all run away crying, so I break down and cry, and I began to lose control, and I cry myself home, and into bed, and I self mutilate my legs and arms, and i take a warm tubby.

Losing my favorite pocket protector at the playground and asking all of the little kids if they've seen it, but they all run away crying, so I break down and cry, and I began to lose control, and I cry myself home, and into bed, and I self mutilate my legs and arms, and i take a warm tubby -->Soapy Bubbles

tiny bubbles (in the wine, tiny bubbles, they make me feel fine...doo waa diddy diddy)

tiny bubbles (in the wine, tiny bubbles, they make me feel fine...doo waa diddy diddy) --> glass of red wine

glass of red wine --> health benefits :D

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