Brothers in Arms => lost

lost --> library book

Pay fine -> fine grained control

fine grained control - weetabix

wikipedia => wide network

wide network > WAN

WAN -> wacky archive network

wacky archive network -> world of knowledge

world of knowledge ->Internet

Internet --> Digg

Digg --> Digger lol

digger --> Maintenance

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Maintenance --> ScanDisk

ScanDisk --> Norton Antivirus

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Norton Antivirus --> Update Virus Defination

update virus definition -> subscription fee

School Yard

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School Yard --> football

Is everyone familiar with this game? Just reply with the first word that comes to your mind when you think of the last word posted. You can't respond to the post with a comment, just the word that comes to your mind. It can only be a word or a short phrase.

Also remember to use the arrow --> in between the previous word/phrase and the new word/phrase you just thought of.

Also, You can't go twice in a row.

I'll start it off with:



I don't know what the last post means so I will just carry on from the one before:

football --> world Cup

word cup -> universal saucer ;)

universal saucer --> aliens

btw.. I have no idea what universal saucer is/are

aliens -> ET

PS: It was a joke.

world        cup
universal   saucer

Hope you catch it :D

et --> Phone Home

PS. Very Clever lol

Phone Home -> Broken home

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broken home -> new home

new home -> lot of guests

lot of guests -> big cleanup

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