munching cow > dairy farms

dairy farms => pizza cheese

pizza cheese > chippy chips

chippy chips => casino

Casino --> Las Vegas

Las vegas => broads

broads > norfolk

Norfolk --> Country

country > old western films

Old western films --> Texas

Texas => cowboys

cowboys > clint eastwood

clint eastwood -> gorillaz

gorrilaz > demon days

demon days -> inu yasha

inu yasha > china town

china town -> hakka noodles

hakka noddles (tasty) > big wok

big wok --> hungry...

hungry...->Yummy.... FOOD

yummy food > big roast dinner

big roat dinner => dessert time

dessert time > delicious chocolate cake

chocolate cake => vanilla icecream

vanilla ice cream > ben & jerrys

ben and jerrys => tom and jerry

tom & jerry > hannah barbara

hannah barbara --> cartoons (from back in the day)

cartoons (from back in the day) --> Warner Brothers

Warner Bros => Brothers in Arms

@Mr. WaltP : Happy to see you here in this section :D

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