kewl movie -> review

review --> parade

parade -> fiesta

fiesta --> bazaar

bazaar -> mall

mall -> spend

spend -> extravagant

extravagant-> Rich people

rich people -> conservatives

conservatives -> preservatives

preservatives - junk foods

junk food -> obese

obese --> hulking

hulking -> sulking

sulking --> sinking

sinking -> ship

ship -> sheep

sheep --> slack

slack -> slackware

in relation to a previous post, the first mate of titanic came from where some of my family live and he actually didnt be a coward an commit suicide, but went down with the ship instead.

slack -> attack

attack --> repel

repel -> attract

attract --> retract

retract ->pull

pull --> sled

extravagant - Dakine

Dakine --> Kalani

Kalani -> Weird


strange -> range

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