terminator --> cyborg

cyborg --> machines

machines -> march (of the)

March - beginning of spring

spring -> Tigger

Tigger-> Pooh bear

Pooh bear -> Honey

Honey -> Pot

Pot -> Hot shots

Hot shots -> Part Deux

Part Deux -> Deus Ex

Deus Ex -> and bacon

and Bacon -> with eggs

with eggs -> with balls

with balls -> withheld

bacon -> tasty

tasty -> noodles

tasty --> Tourettes

Touretts->mental illness

mental illness -> Paranoid

Paranoid ->physco

Psycho -> Maniac

Maniac --> John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy -> Anonymous

Anonymous --> invisible

Invisible -> Hollow man

Hollow Man --> Walk Away

Walk away -> Theory of a deadman

Theory of a deadman --> guillotine

Guillotine -> Hallowed be thy name

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