diamond -> rare

rare --> intelligence

(but not on daniweb ;) )

intelligence -> clearance

clearance - form

form --> fit

fit -> unfit

unfit -> clumsy

clumsy --> clown

clown --> phobia (i have a morbid fear of all things circus... :) )

clown --> phobia (i have a morbid fear of all things circus... :) )

phobia --> germs

germs -> Kill them all.

kill them all -> disinfectant

disinfectant -> Harpic

Harpic --> Ajax

AJAX -> white toilet powder

white toilet powder --> bleach

Bleach -> Nirvana

nirvana ---> smells

smells -> like teen spirit

like teen spirit -> song

songs -> grunge

grunge --> stains

stains -> strain

strain --> birth

birth -> child

birth -> evolution

sos, your supposed to go from child.....

evolution -> monkeys

monkeys -> planet of the apes

planet of the apes -> reanimator

reanimator -> terminator

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