denial - hidden tears

hidden tears --> cry

cry --> joy

joy -> joystick

joystick -> sorrowtwig

sorrowtwig -> make-up

make up -> she is beautiful

beautiful -> dawn of a summers day

dawn of a summers day -> summer of 69

summer of 69 -> electric guitar

electric guitar -> music jamming

music jamming -> Jamming communication signals

Jamming communication signals - cellphone

cellphone --> cingular

cingular -> Plural

Jamming communication signals -> Taliban

Hey Matty, you are a bit off, the post to which you reponded was not the last but the third last post.....;)

Taliban -> Afghanistan

Peace -> Dove

Dove --> Turtle

Turtle -> Turtle soup

turtle soup -> appetizer

appetizer -> kebab

kebab --> chips

chips ---> fish

fish -> stinks

stinks --> poo

(wow that was imature)

poo -> vinny the pooh

Winnie the Pooh -> pot of honey

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