japan -> asia


manga -> mango


food -> turkey

turkey--> christmas

christmas -> holiday

holiday -> spain

what is manga btw?

I have no clue.

spain -> europe

europe -> the euro (€)

i hate the euro by the way, good job we kept the pound :)

i think manga is a sort of anime maybe?

the euro -> question?

what is the euro?

a form of currency used by france, spain, germany etc....

people in the UK are against it, its quite a hot topic.

(just associate it with something money)

the euro -> 'the benjamins'

? benjamins ?

It's a phrase for $100 bills.
(because it has Benjamin Franklin on it.)

ah i see (double post by the way)

benjamin -> ton (slang for £100)

thanks. lol.

ton -> wealthy

wealthy -> bill gates

bill gates -> intelligent

intelligent -> smart

smart -> witty

witty -> sarcastic

sarcastic -> comedians

comedians -> comics

comics -> spiderman 3

spiderman 3 -> Movie

movie -> film

horror -> terrible

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