army --> "Old Navy" store

"Old Navy" store --> jeans

jeans--> casual

casual --> plain

plain--> indian

indian --> tomahawk

tomahawk--> throw

throw --> baseball game

throw --> baseball game

wow u need help that is the best u got for throw??lol

basball game-->homerun

Hey I'm playing the game by the rules... "... first thing that comes to your head".

homerun --> baseball players running to catch

Have a problem with this one mikeandike22?... :), just kindding ;)

baseball players running to catch--> out


house --> the movie "13 Ghosts"

the movie "13 Ghosts"--> not scary

not scary --> but bloody

but bloody--> gory

gory -->bloodcurdling screams

blood curdling screams-->hospital

hospital--> thank goodness

thank goodness --> I'm safe

I´m safe--> at home

at home--> napping

napping--> snoring

snoring--> sawing logs

sawing logs-->lumberjack

lumberjack --> Stephen F. Austin State University of Texas (SFA) :)

SFA ----> Sasquach flappily accelerating

Sasquach flappily accelerating-->HCS (Hairy Chest Syndrome)

HCS -> your mom (I dunno...)

your mom-->mother

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