hot for teacher --> song


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sing --> diaphragm

diaphragm --> WAV format

wav format > format c:

format c: --> refreshing

I'm baaaaack..... :evil:

Member Avatar for szukalski

refreshing --> absinthe

absinthe --> Uzo

I looked it up at there is no word uzo in the english language is it slang or another language.

Uzo > Sake
(Hey Mike, it's a distilled spirit, alcohol, from overseas, but you can buy it here, it is a real thing, just like Sake, which is Rice Wine or whiskey).

(thanks idaho i am only 15 so dont know much about that stuff)

japanese --> electronics


electricity --> circuitry

circuitry-->circuit city

circuit city > overpriced

overpriced-->red sox tickects

red sox tickects --> unknown

unknown--> how to beat half life

how to beat half life--> waste of time

I think half life was easy just long and at the end was wicked boring like doom3 is after about the 4th level of the same thing.

waste of time --> drugs


medicine --> drugs

((lol you made me think of drugs when you said medicine))


I've currently had a little toooo much.

vodka --> looser



stupid --> dumb



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