Asian -> Bug-eye

Bug-eye --> Monster

Monster-->3x3 eyes

3x3 eyes --> Beholder

Beholder --> Beauty

beauty --> beast

X-Men --> Prof. Xavier

Prof. Xavier --> Charles

Charles -> Snoopy

Snoopy --> Woodstock

CSN&Y --> Old Band

(Crosy, Stills, Nash and Young) Am I right?

Old Band -> New Wave

New Wave --> ocean

ocean -> freedom

Freedom --> Liberty

Liberty -> ...And Justice for All

And Justice for All --> Pledge

(Hey that's not a word! ^_^)

pledge --> desk polisher

...And Justice for All

Yeah, I was hoping someone would catch on to it's referrence. Oh well. :)

desk polisher-->brush

<<you mean the Justice League?>>

brush--> tooth

tooth --> Fairy

<<you mean the Justice League?>>

Nope, Metallica album. :)

Fairy --> Magic User

Magic User --> Mage

Mage --> Voila!

Voila! --> BAM!

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