Chihuahua --> Mexico

Mexico --> Speedy Gonzales

speedy Gonzales-->mouse

Mouse --> Mickey


mobster - italian (sp)

Italian --> Al Pacino

Al Pacino --> Scarface

Scarface --> Twoface

Twoface --> Batman

Batman --> Robin

Robin --> Howard Stern

Howard Stern -->Actor

Thespian --> Stage

Stage --> Heavy metal bands destroying stage

Heavy metal bands --> Pantera

Pantera --> Cat

Cat ---> Dog

Goneto --> Bye Bye

Bye Bye --> Sayonara


Gundam --> Anime <(^_^)> @_@

anime --> Yuyu Hakusho

Yuyu Hakusho-->Anime?

anime -> Japan

Japan --> Empire

(can you do that? from anime to yuyu hakusho then back to anime??)

Empire-->Genghis Khan

(^-^''' I couldn't think of anything else!, I thought first anime and then anime character, but the game is about first thing you think, you write.)

Genghis Khan --> Asian

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