red --> blood


sangre --> yuck

My job=schvweet

schvweet --> speech impediment

speech impediment>>>little nickey

lttle nickey --> Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler --> waterboy

waterboy --> sports


golf --> tiger woods

tiger woods--> played out

played out --> vidoe games

vidoe games--> vice city ( im playing right now)

Vice City --> stolen Cars

Never played the game myself, but I hear it is decently cool

stolen cars>>>my car (not really)

my car --> backseat fun

backseat fun - Subwoofers

subwoofers --> automatic vibreating chair

automatic vibreating chair --> Dad's recliner

Soundman's Dad's Recliner --> Laz-E-Boy

Laz-E-Boy --> springs (BOING!)

Laz-E-Boy --> Wile E Coyote

Wile E Coyote --> Acme

acme--> TNT

TNT --> Explosion

explosion--> 9/11 :sad:

9/11 --> first day of college

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