time --> magazine

magazine --> hustler :P

hustler --> thief

thief --> Criminal

(you don't want to know what my first thought on this one was... It would have read somthing like "&*^@!!!")

Criminal --> Scooby Snacks

Scooby Snacks --> 80's cartoons

(OK, I know Scooby Doo was arround since the late 70's but damnit, I liked the 80's better!) :cheesy:

80's cartoons --> Cheezy animation

Cheezy animation>>>> Chinpokomon


tripe-> cow

steak --> burger

burger-> hunger

hunger --> Africa

africa-> poverty

poverty --> polititions

nose -->nostrill

politicians -> the governator (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

the governator --> T3 (Rise of the Machines)


hell --> Mr. Satan

mr. satan--> southpark

southpark --> Kenny


orange --> clockwork

clockwork--> late

late --> early


bird --> worm

worm--> book

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