World Records --> Canadian CDs

Canadian CDs --> Celine Dion

Celine Dion --> Titanic
(Let it GO! THe boat sank already!)

Titanic --> Water

And a lot of it...

Thank GAWD that Celine is not the only thing that came out of our country. :evil:

water --> bomb


BOOOOOOOMMMM --> 'splosion

'splosion --> Ricky Ricardo

ricky ricardo>>>>>>jimmy buffet

jimmy buffet --> Margaritaville

Margaritaville --> Strawberry

strawberry --> vanilla

vanilla --> coke

drug --> needle

needle --> bloodless limbs

when sitting on your legs(aka indian style) and you limit the flow of blood, when you get back up feels like millions of needles touching the leg

your pretty sick chubs

Remember, it is whatever first comes to mind.

bloodless limbs --> Zombies

zombie --> aliens

aliens --> Ripley

Ripley --> belive it or not


jam --> traffic

traffic - 405 and 105(use gridlock if you cant relate 405 and 105)

1st in my mind because I am in a Los Angeles suberb and AAA just released a study with freeintersections(bottleneck) with most congestion, and the 405 and 105 intersection ranked first(which is in LA)


numbers --> math

color (because American's like to drop letters from words like the s from maths and the u from colour :P )

color --> shade

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