Darkness --> I believe in a thing called love.

Love > Hate

hurt --> ouch

ouch --> Snowball

(and believe me I've seen enough of them over the past 72 hours!!!)

Snowball --> Simpsons

Simpsons --> Simpletons

simpletons>>>reno 911

reno 911 --> Emergency services

energency services -> hospital


E.R --> Clooney

clooney --> Ocean

ocean --> salt


snails -> dinner??

dinner>>>meet the parents

meet the parents >> Ben Stiller

Ben Stiller --> Distilled

distilled >chemistry


D+ --> Grade

Grade ---> Level

level --> Sonic (the Hedgehog)

Sonic --> Passion

(Hey, I call myself the soundman for a reason right?) :cheesy:



oil -> money

money --> time

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