breakfast > waffle

waffle -> tasty

tasty -> soup

soup > chicken

chicken -> eggs

eggs -> omelette

omelette > breakfast

breakfast -> morning

morning -> tired

tired -> retired

retired -> fishing

fishing -> rain

rain -> slippery

slippery -> ice

ice > glacier

glacier -> water

water -> drink

drink > bourbon

bourdon -> pub

pub > darts

darts -> bullseye

bullseye -> target

target -> walmart

walmart -> asda

Asda -> U.K.

U.K. -> Utgarde Keep

Utgarde Keep -> World of warcraft.
Safe to say, I don't play it. It just came up on a google and I had nothing else to say :L

umm... now what?

Something associated to "world of warcraft". Sorry I kinda mucked that up didn't I?!

W.O.W. -> gaming

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