orange - -> apple


steroid --> big big

big big --> big biz

big biz --> big biz tycoon



pigs --> cops :)

cops --> Vice Squad

Vice Squad --> Miami Vice

Miami vice- pastel blazer

pastel blazer --> google toolbar

google toolbar --> popup blocker

popup blocker --> SPYWARE

SPYWARE --> unsafe

unsafe --> swimming with sharks

swimming with sharks --> no escape

no escape --> trapped

trapped --> Tripped

Tripped --> hallucination

hallucination --> Narcotics

Narcotics --> addictive

addictive --> chocolate

chocolate --> caffeine

caffeine --> Cigar

caffeine --> Cigar

cigar --> cuban

cuban --> Illian Gonzales (sorry if mis-spelled)

Illian Gonzales --> mexican (lol sorry but thats what i thought of first)

mexican --> cowboyz

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