cowboyz --> horse

horse -> animal

animal --> beast

animal --> beast

beast -> Number [of the]

Number [of the] --> Devil

Devil --> Hell

Hell --> Eternal Damnation

Eternal Damnation -> me


geek:A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.(also see DaniWeb user)

geek --> Those who rule the world (or will)

Those who rule the world (or will) --> leaders

leaders -->Those who can't do, teach those that can ;)

Those who can't do, teach those that can --> upside down world

upside down world --> Our world

Our world --> lazy people

lazy people --> US Congress

US Congress --> boring stuff

boring stuff->Exciting things

Exciting Things -> Fear

Fear --> Psychy

Psychy --> Middle School teenagers

Barbara Streisand

aardvark --> nose[/ Barbara Streisand]

nose --> Barbara Streisand

Barbara Streisand-> Meh

Meh -> What's Meh?

What's Meh?->Der

Der --> exactly

exactly - mathematically quantifiyable

mathematically quantifiyable --> population

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