anti nature --> Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse Gas Emissions->Nature Stuff

Nature Stuff --> camping


woods --> mosquitoes

mosquitoes --> Working a summer at a Boy Scout summer Camp

*The Diamond is my birth stone, and that was my first thought when I saw Ruby

Working a summer at a Boy Scout summer Camp->Boring

Any expirence eagleeye

Boring-->Soap Operas
And unfortunately Yes, I have worked at a Boy Scout Summer Camp for a summer (Camp Baker in Oregon for the summer of 2003), actually is was kind of fun for the most part, except for the week I had Kitched Duty, washing 500+ trays per meal, 1500 trays, 1500+ spoons & forks & knives in a day and getting up at 3:00 AM to make breakfast and getting to go to bed at 1:00 AM if I was lucky for 6 days straight, and very little ,if not at all, time for sleeping.

Soap Operas --> lousy acting

lousy acting --> Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey->eww

eww --> unbearable

unbearable-->dial up internet connections

dial up internet connections --> slow as a snail

slow as a snail-->Dell Laptops

Dell Laptops --> nothing special

Nothing Special->extraordinary

extraordinary--> The Heavens

The Heavens --> chocolate

chocolate --> A cousin of Caffine

A cousin of Caffine --> cola

Cola --> Medicine


drugs --> D.A.R.E



confusing --> unexplained

unexplained --> UFO

ufo--> alien

alien->illegal alien

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