I want you to name one thing that you really want and is plausible( not some ridiculous wish) and fair, and tell me whats stopping you from getting it? And then I want you to
go and get it!!! Fight through the walls and barriers and grab the prize!!!

Yesterday, I had this wakeup call a couple of days ago, and now I am acting upon it. I am going for what I want in life and fighting through every obstacle thats in the way to get the prize. A few days I realized that I still want to be with my ex. So yesterday I acted upon it and now slowly but surely, I'm getting her! A couple of days ago, I wanted to write algorithms for my professor instead of creating a GUI for his programs, and now I'm getting it. A couple of days ago, I wanted to be more confident, and now I am! I don't know what compelled me to spread the word, but I want you guys to know that you can achieve. You can get what you want in life. All you have to do is that initial starting push. Then you'll be well on your way. I want you guys to pick one thing you want today, and starting going for it tomorrow! Don't let this be a moment where tomorrow or a few days from now you forget about it. Come back and re-read this post. Go talk to that girl you always liked. Go approach the girl you think thats cute. Go achieve. In the name of jesus, AMEN.

Sulley's Boo commented: Thanks for the encouragement! +0
kvprajapati commented: :) really inspired! +0
Member Avatar for iamthwee

firstPerson are you STILL going on about your ex?

OMG, didn't you like break up with her then bang her again what is this nonsense? Is this charade still ongoing?

Steps to follow:

1. Take all your Walt Disney DVDs (Little mermaid and Bugs life) and bin this trash.
2. If you guys broke up it is probably for a good reason.
3. There are loads of other chicks that are just as good looking as your ex and have just as much to offer. Stop chasing, stop begging and begin believing in yourself.

Go talk to that girl you always liked. Go approach the girl you think thats cute. Go achieve.

Now this is good.

go and get it!!! Fight through the walls and barriers and grab the prize!!!

^ This is also good... Hell if you wanna the be the CEO of some fat cat corporate organisation I'm sure you could. Point is, don't just sit there screaming to yourself, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna be more confident because it's unlikely to happen. Instead sit down and plan a pragmatic way to do this. Plan -> Strategize -> execute.

Contrary to popular belief, championship boxers weren't just born. They did many rounds in the gym before hand.

Oh man, I don't know. We got back together, then broke up and then got back together, and we broke up last semester, now we're getting back together. And btw, I'm not sitting here being a hypocrite. I am actually doing all of these things. And its been a while iamthewee, how you been? Forgot how funny you were.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Oh man, I don't know. We got back together, then broke up and then got back together, and we broke up last semester, now we're getting back together.

Why does a drug addict continue to shoot up even though he knows it's doing him no good?

And its been a while iamthewee, how you been? Forgot how funny you were.

I'm good thanks. How are you?

I'm good thanks. How are you?

No, just tired of life. Ready for infinite happiness.

perhaps not so good.

perhaps not so good.

lmao, yea I'm hanging in there.

>>Why does a drug addict continue to shoot up even though he knows it's doing him no good? He addicted. But why do you compare her with drugs and me with the addict? I'm not addicted to her, I just like her. And btw, most, if not all relationship have their ups and downs. We just have to fight through it, if its really worth it. And i'm too young to realize if its worth it or not, but as for today, I think it is. But no promise tomorrow.

i like you, i hope things work out for you.:)

and i think you're too young too consider this "the one".
just my opinion as i've started to get old.

i like you, i hope things work out for you.:)

I try.

and i think you're too young too consider this "the one".
just my opinion as i've started to get old.

I don't think this is the one. I try not to look that far ahead.

need to get a fat girl. easier to get away from :O

need to get a fat girl. easier to get away from :O

lmao, what? How does that work?

I've got everything I need.

commented: Asperger's Syndrome creates self-delusion. Yes you have everything you need. +0

I've got everything I need.

As do most people, they just don't realize it.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

firstPerson this is an addictive relationship you are in... So why can I NOT compare you to a drug addict? Do you realise how long this break-up make-up saga has been going on for???

You say you like her? This is debatable. Personally, I think the reason you continue this circus act is because you like the drama and you are worried that if she left for good you wouldn't be able to have what you HAD with her.

Valentine Day rolls near... and ohhhh look... firstPerson wants to get back with his ex. The surprising thing is this girl probably likes the drama too otherwise she would have nexted you a long time ago.

My advice would be to take some time out and figure out what you really want. At the moment you are letting your emotions get the better of you. You KNOW this. Nothing wrong here, but if you keep hitting your head against a brick wall eventually it starts to hurt and you stop. Question is how long is it going to take you?

But hey if you want me to tell you, 'You know it's meant to be... Sometimes you have to fight for the girl you love... Yada yada yada.' I sure can... But you're going to believe that as much as you believe yourself when you tell yourself you are doing the right thing.

firstPerson this is an addictive relationship you are in... So why can I NOT compare you to a drug addict? Do you realise how long this break-up make-up saga has been going on for???

Yea its been going on for a while. I don't think i'm in a addictive relationship. I'm not addicted to her and she's not addicted me. Its just that in my case, I think I just want someone to be there. And I'm just use to her being there, so thats why I go back, I think.

You say you like her? This is debatable. Personally, I think the reason you continue this circus act is because you like the drama and you are worried that if she left for good you wouldn't be able to have what you HAD with her. No I don't like the drama. Truthfully, I like her because of her personality and looks. More of personality of course. I rather not have drama. I'm with her because i'm just use to her being there. And I know I need to break this habit. I need to find someone else. And until I do, I think I am going to stay with her, as selfish as that sounds.

Valentine Day rolls near... and ohhhh look... firstPerson wants to get back with his ex. The surprising thing is this girl probably likes the drama too otherwise she would have nexted you a long time ago. Na, good guess but thats not it. I was going back out with her after the first week of my semester started. Its not because of valentines day. I could care less of holidays that promotes superfluous spending just to for showing that one cares. There are plenty of other more meaning full ways to achieve the same thing.

My advice would be to take some time out and figure out what you really want. At the moment you are letting your emotions get the better of you. You KNOW this. Nothing wrong here, but if you keep hitting your head against a brick wall eventually it starts to hurt and you stop. Question is how long is it going to take you? Till I graduate from college, approx( 2 semesters). We agreed on this long time ago.

But hey if you want me to tell you, 'You know it's meant to be... Sometimes you have to fight for the girl you love... Yada yada yada.' I sure can... But you're going to believe that as much as you believe yourself when you tell yourself you are doing the right thing.
No I don't want anyone to tell me that. I could care less. Ultimately it comes down to be. And I don't know how, but this thread took a whole another direction lol.

I'd just like to point out that there may be something wrong with your approach if you think girls are "goals" to be "achieved".

Just sayin', you know. Maybe I'm wrong, what do I know?

I'd just like to point out that there may be something wrong with your approach if you think girls are "goals" to be "achieved".

Just sayin', you know. Maybe I'm wrong, what do I know?

Didn't mean it like that. Was simply a mere example of an event where I wanted something and went for it. Doesn't necessarily imply that I think "girls are goals to be achieved".

Asperger's Syndrome creates self-delusion. Yes you have everything you need. - iamthwee

What about what?

Can I just add that what I'd like to achieve is a night of passion with Avril Lavigne.

What's stopping me is the wife...

commented: Avril's hot. +0

Can I just add that what I'd like to achieve is a night of passion with Avril Lavigne.

What's stopping me is the wife...

Why choose? ;)

Can I just add that what I'd like to achieve is a night of passion with Avril Lavigne.

What's stopping me is the wife...

I said something reasonable and plausible. But on the other hand, there are couples that have their celebrity list.

If I were you, I'll leave her and go find someone new. You don't deserve her..
Don't be desperate about her. If you want to forget everything about her, erase her cellphone number, email, and everything that reminds you of her.If she keeps contacting you, say this "It's over. Please stop keeping in touch with me". I assure you won't regret that decision :)

If I were you, I'll leave her and go find someone new. You don't deserve her..
Don't be desperate about her. If you want to forget everything about her, erase her cellphone number, email, and everything that reminds you of her.If she keeps contacting you, say this "It's over. Please stop keeping in touch with me". I assure you won't regret that decision :)

I don't want to forget her. She's a good friend. Plus right now, we're not going out, but we're just friends with benefits. And on real talk, I don't have feelings for her no more. Actually, I've been messed over one too many times. From now on, I'm treating all girls the same. They are full of bull. There is no such things as mushy gushy stuff. All girls are full of bullshit. They are all crazy. I'm sorry, there isn't no need for me to rant about my personal problems, especially in the internet.

I don't want to forget her. She's a good friend. Plus right now, we're not going out, but we're just friends with benefits. And on real talk, I don't have feelings for her no more. Actually, I've been messed over one too many times. From now on, I'm treating all girls the same. They are full of bull. There is no such things as mushy gushy stuff. All girls are full of bullshit. They are all crazy. I'm sorry, there isn't no need for me to rant about my personal problems, especially in the internet.

Did you not have many female siblings?

Did you not have many female siblings?

no just a brother. now actually, lets drop this thread and forget about it. its pointless.

hey.. I'm a girl! :D
hahaha but I'm not bullshit..
I mean most of us are bullshit sometimes but not all of us..
that's the truth :)

I'm quite insulted but It's understandable. You just met a wrong girl.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend you, just everyone else lol.

haha it's okay. lol

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Yada yada yada.

You treat her like FWB's then expect her to be your little princess?!

Then you get on your high horse and scream "ALL girls are full of BS". I'm not that smart but I know who is full of BS here...

You could let this one go... Or you can carry on this nonsense, but I said this a long time ago.

Yada yada yada.

You treat her like FWB's then expect her to be your little princess?!

Then you get on your high horse and scream "ALL girls are full of BS". I'm not that smart but I know who is full of BS here...

You could let this one go... Or you can carry on this nonsense, but I said this a long time ago.


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