I just wanted to test starting a thread to see the popup prompt. Please delete if you like (mods or admin).

So now that you saw it, what do you think of it? lol

I personally don't like it but I don't like pop-ups. I went into it more here.

I agree -- I don't really like it either, but then it might be helpful for new members.

It just goes to show who here is active in social media, because I use it all the time: every single time I start a thread I use it, because if I have a question to ask, it helps to post in just one place and not just direct my question to the existing DaniWeb community but also to my friends and followers, who tend to also be in the industry and might know the answer.

I'm all over social media but I haven't used linking like this. I know from other sites like the code cage that when I've tried to use those sm buttons, while at work, I can't so I haven't bothered anywhere else.

Oh, so it's not a matter of you not liking them for the sake of thinking they're stupid. You would use them if you could, but your work doesn't let you, so now it's just obnoxious that they're there and you can't use them.

LoL, no I don't think they're stupid, I just don't like pop-ups in general. Yes, I may use them if my work let me. Perhaps you're right though, maybe I like them less because I can't use them. Have to re-evaluate my thoughts now.

It just goes to show who here is active in social media, because I use it all the time: every single time I start a thread I use it, because if I have a question to ask, it helps to post in just one place and not just direct my question to the existing DaniWeb community but also to my friends and followers, who tend to also be in the industry and might know the answer.

It could be a male thing (or just me), but I think there is a hesitation to post on social media because you wouldn't want your social network to see you in the need of asking for help. I know it sounds silly. Posting on a forum keeps a person more anonymous.

Says the person with over 4000 posts and fewer than 10 threads started. Damn you people and your egos.

I don't use it because AFAIK none of my Facebook friends are programmers (well, there is one exception) -- they wouldn't know what the question and DaniWeb is let alone be able to answer any of the questions.

I second Ancient Dragon's reasons too. Everyone I know, except for a very small handful of people, get that glazed over facial expression as soon as the words "Applications Programming" comes up. Most of them probably only use Office products at the bare (bear?) minimum. My Twitter feed consists of mostly musicians and weird people so they're not interested either. In my immediate world, I'm the lone gunman!

. . . I think there is a hesitation to post on social media because you wouldn't want your social network to see you in the need of asking for help. I know it sounds silly. Posting on a forum keeps a person more anonymous.

True. And many of my contacts on social media are co-workers and former co-workers. I wouldn't want them knowing everything I do as I do it.

On the other side of that equation, I'd prefer not to have my contacts' activities fed into my social networks. One of my Connections on LinkedIn (not a member of Daniweb) must be doing something like this. For a long time he was quiet. Now he is writing/posting articles/opinions/etc. several times a day and my LinkedIn daily updates are filled with his postings. I'd like to keep him as a Connection, but I'd rather not have my LinkedIn updates filled with all his postings, and every other random musing that might come to his mind. It is getting really annoying.

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